Count Erpoint

Anybody who has heard that "Sign of the Times" shit and describes it as "Dad rock" is a lying ass. Or, they hate their dad.

If you believe Harry Styles got into acting based on his talent, you probably don't understand how modern publicists and agents work. If you think Harry Styles has the perfect, unique qualities to play a cameo in a Christopher Nolan movie, you don't understand how "unique" works. If you are a fan of Harry Styles,

Does he like Phil Collins and Huey Lewis?

Sure. If you like the silly cosmic stuff. That's the best! Um, yep!

Huh? All those movies since WONDER WOMAN have bowed before her? Or none of the previous ones are as good as hers? You mean the one? Since you're not counting Superman movies from forty years ago or Batman movies from seven?

Oh? What did you say, dipshit?

They all look like pop-up books at the beginning to me, and then my eyes adjust and I don't notice anything special.

Sure. But only if by "gold standard" you mean really predictable and popular among the vast, unwashed, least common denominator.

You wouldn't know "literally" if it kissed you on the lips.
Quit claiming Batman's brain.

OK, sweetie. You're all "glass-half-full." That's just goodie!

Khal Drogo Aquaman is a much bigger crime than Batfleck.

Translator, please!

I didn't think you were a crack-pot.

I don't quite understand how they could've gone so wrong.

I love the Elseworlds concept precisely because it never insists (the way the Multiverse squat does) that you have to accept this as some sort of canon.

Upvoted for the Killing Joke burn.

The "problem" with the way Warner Bros. is treating their DC properties is, they want to get as many people involved as possible. In a way, that almost ensures a lot of stuff that widely misses the mark. But, speaking as just me, I'm much happier with that sort of let-'em-do-what-they'll-do approach than the

It's all so confused now.

Marvel never did anything first.

I'd almost forgotten how much fun that was.