Count Erpoint

So, let's see. You're taking your baby out to a restaurant with you. You think bathroom floors are filthy and disgusting. So, rather than, say, bring a clean baby blanket that you can lay out on the bathroom floor, you entitle yourself to change the baby on a dining table or the much-larger-than-a-toilet-seat-(?)

"They both make clear…and explicit…"

I'm thinking Iggy saw it though. I'm looking for a consistent measure of how he rates "formulaic."

"Don't you know who we are?!!?"

Don't worry. We've got President Trump.

So. You hope they are forced by law to give a pig ten million dollars?

Lookit this Brillo Pad-headed, table-cloth-wearing queen right here!

Somebody sleeps with that. Sexual fetishes are so weird, guys!

Everybody experiments in college, guys. Gheesh!

Uh-huh. The Swan Lake cinematic universe tentpole. Sure.

Yeah. I knew he couldn't be injured on a Marvel set. All that action is cartoon CGI.

Gettin' his hair did.

"Granted, on the scale of…"

Never heard of this.

Wow! How cool! Numbers! And time! So cool! Um?

There is no dark side of the moon, really. Matter of fact, it's all dark.

Nobody cares about your frustration. You chose to have a baby. Enjoy life in public with your adorable baby according to the expectations of the public.
And those expectations, right now, are NOT WHERE WE EAT. NOT WHERE WE'RE EATING AND WE CAN SEE IT.

Uh-huh. There is absolutely no reason to have babies in an over-populated world except the selfish ones: You want a baby. That's fine. Babies are adorable! Also, babies come with responsibilities. You can bring your baby anywhere you want. You can even proudly display your baby's dirty ass for the whole world

"Everybody around here" is an asshole then! Lobsters are DELICIOUS!

Hey, I love babies. Bring 'em out. As long as you can take care of 'em. Because, yeah, I didn't bring any babies out here and expose you to their dirty asses. The same is the least I can expect from our social contract. But, whatever, you're special.