You don’t get to pull rank just because your arrogant ass was born before me.
You don’t get to pull rank just because your arrogant ass was born before me.
Earlier this month, Bernie Sanders released a statement backing Ellison, saying that “the question is simple: Do we stay with a failed status-quo approach or do we go forward with a fundamental restructuring of the Democratic Party?”
Okay, tough guy. Well, prepare to spend quite a lot of time in jail if you actually shoot someone for taking down your “expensive property”.
Adam breaks it down really well.
It’s perfectly legal to punch someone in the face who insults you.
I’ve seen a lot of deals in my day, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Amazon’s currently taking $8.62 off pretty much any $50 purchase(shipped and sold by with promo code BIGTHANKS, today only. Yes, you read that correctly.
I’ve seen a lot of deals in my day, but I’ve never seen anything like this. Amazon’s currently taking $8.62 off…
What do you think the odds are I could go back through Gawker’s archives, and the articles posted around the Giz sites since then, and find just a fucking ton of examples of you acting like Gawker was a journalistic “hero” during the period you were being “attacked” by Peter Thiel? You were all heroically doing your…
Millions upon millions upon millions of people have been buying pre-ground beef at the grocery store for decades and the number of cases of people becoming ill from it are staggeringly small as a percentage.
A CNN correspondent covering the story on the ground noted in her dispatch that the president, “travels in a limo called ‘The Beast’ that is armor-plated,” like an actual super-villain.
Dude, fairy tale time.
That’s the message they want you to take away from it. The actual messages, when you actually watch what happens in the movie and what the outcomes are, are quite different.
#NeverRememberToNeverForget #AmIDoingThisRight
No, it’s a super fucked up movie because she’s 16 years old. She’s 16, makes terrible choices, and marries the first man she sees. A man that agrees to marry this - again, 16 years old - girl, who never speaks a word to him. And the problem there is not that she’s mute, because mute people can absolutely have…
Delta is cheap? Does Southwest and JetBlue not fly where you are? (Seriously asking, I know they’re not everywhere)
No, you misunderstand. He doesn’t want to keep politics out of football. He wants to keep football out of politics.
I mean, if roads suck and traffic is horrible and a driver loses their focus or their cool because of it, the road isn’t at fault for the crash the driver is.
It does, yep. I routinely put on an episode of MST3K, turn the screen off and fall asleep lol
Are they really, though? Take a common situation: afternoon traffic. People are getting out of work, the highway is getting congested. The highway hasn’t been maintained in decades and the area has grown up significantly in that time, adding hundreds of thousands of people. There are two routes from downtown to the…
I could kill you whilst riding a bicycle. We don’t even license for those.
Honest? The ten bucks or whatever it is I pay for YouTube Red is probably the best money I spend all month. I haven’t been subjected to a YouTube ad anywhere - not on my MacBook, not on my phone, not on my AppleTV - in ages. It’s fantastic. And getting more than just ad-free viewing (Google Music, original content,…