Counted Crow

Looking at it again, I see you’re right. You talked about the track in the sentence prior to the sentence about testing. I must have mashed them together in my head. Apologies.

You’re not wrong. There’s a town near where I live that kind of bisects another town in a certain place and there’s a major road running through both towns. So, one minute you’re in Town A and you’re doing 50 mph on this road, then you’re in Town B and the speed limit is 35 for about a mile, then you’re back in Town A

That’s laughable.

Raise your hand if you think he’ll spend an hour behind bars.

I... but... you... you can’t...

I disagree. He prevailed because the law was on his side. He was able to prevail because Thiel funded him. There’s a difference.

You go right ahead and prove that Thiel paid off the judge. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

He would have lost because he wouldn’t have been able to afford legal counsel. Is that seriously the defense you’re going with?

So weird how the decision wasn’t appealed, given how easy it should have been to overturn, then. Yeah... weird.

Gawker attempted a war of attrition. Thiel enabled Hogan to counter that. Gawker then started running out of money themselves and they couldn’t put off the ruling any longer. They couldn’t keep filing motion after motion, hoping the other side would quit. They had to submit to a ruling from the court.

Oh, now the trial was fixed. Okay.

They lost to Hogan, who brought the case. The court ruled in his favor. You can keep blaming the boogeyman if you like, but that won’t change facts.

No, they didn’t. Thiel merely funded the suit. The merits of the suit were decided by the court.

Yeah... but see, here’s the thing. These are the same people, with a couple of exceptions, that lost a court case to Hulk fucking Hogan.

The how is easy. They all have websites. The websites all have contact information. You send an email, or make a phone call, and if the person you’re talking to isn’t the right one, they’ll pass you along to someone who is. Ain’t rocket science.

Yours is the only comment that matters.

What assumption? I didn’t assume anything.

I used “case” broadly - as to mean “complaint”. I wasn’t intending to set up a legal defense. Don’t be so literal.

Good to know. Thanks!

Who the fuck are you? You don’t owe me my property value? I should hope not, unless you happen to live in my neighborhood, which seems unlikely on, just, a cosmic scale.