
@KamWrex: Correction: Super-slim phones with slippery glass backs are extremely hard to grip; a decent sized device with soft-touch plastic? pretty easy to grip.

@MaNiFeX: I think fight club taught me it was from an old funeral pyre where they would burn bodies. The mixture of the alkaline solution from the rain running through the ash combined with the fats from the corpses created the soap. Wonder if it's wholly true.

@Dusty Duster: Actually the ultimate source has to be caffeine tablets. At about $0.05 each much cheaper than any other alternative save growing your own coffee plants.

@FranksWasHere: You are correct. I feel a bit stupid right now.

@Jackstick: I have to masturbate 831 times this year? I'd better pick up the pace!

@FranksWasHere: You can go from 000,000,000 to 999,999,999. That's a trillion permutations.

@Klebert L. Hall: Corporations are like an extremely powerful person. Except this person has no face, no emotions, and only one thought: profit above all else.

@Bootknife-Jackson: And I bet he had to walk 15 miles to school and back... uphill both ways!

@jepzilla: Don't forget poorly ventilated and underpowered.

@brijazz: That's too easy. Stop making sense.

@Ignignokt: Decent battery life, nice display, sleek and durable. They're most definitely not bad machines...

@daveinmn: The guy who still uses 'LOL' is lecturing me that my sweetened carbonated beverages are in his local dialect known as 'SODA' even though around here he'd get a strange look for using soda.

@themightyspitz: The soundtrack was the only thing I enjoyed about that movie. My movie theater friend got us in to see it imax 3D for free... Horrible 3D, volume was too loud, silly story.... ugh.

@richbeales: The only issue is it's now a hassle if someone comes and visits and you want to share your wifi with them. Just a good password on a WPA2 encrypted router is safe.

This should have been answered with just a simple "enable WPA2 security, with a decent password"

@anitesh.jaswal: I find the Canadian 100 smells a bit too 'old'. The 20s and lower are just too fresh and fruity smelling.

@bustedchain: It clearly specifies 'fresh' money.

@Donatom3: Hearted, but that's the best I can do :(

@Datacide: If by drug user you mean pot smoker we're definitely not on the same page here...