Get a tattoo of the infinity sign
On your lower back
Just for yourself
Get a tattoo of the infinity sign
On your lower back
Just for yourself
I would never in a million years have thought Nintendo would release Zack and Wiki on the VC. It was this weird little gem I found for the Wii so many years ago and nobody I've talked to had ever heard of it before. I'm glad more people will finally get to play it. Enjoy!
Cold Steel is definitely an evolution of the Sky games. If you're a sucker and a completionist like I am, Cold Steel is a little bit more forgiving in that the timeline for when to complete quests are way more spelled out. There are also still goofy books that you need to collect, but they are also available for…
Metal Gear can be pretty obtuse and unforgiving, so try not to get too frustrated with it. Once you know all the secrets for the game it's much easier to play through and appreciate, but there's definitely dumb mechanics in the game that you just have to deal with. Metal Gear 2, on the other hand, is a stark…
I'm continuing to work my way through Trails of Cold Steel. Very slowly. I am enjoying the game but I feel like it takes a really long time to make any progress. Granted, I am making sure to talk to literally everyone after every cutscene to ensure that I don't miss some silly hidden sidequest, but, even so, hours…
I can confirm that this is exactly what happened to me with Dream Team. I couldn't even finish it out of pure spite like I did Sticker Star. I just stopped caring.
Johnny has pretty much nowhere to run tonight so the odds are high that either he or Vince will be up against CT or Zach. If Johnny does end up in the Pit and the producers don't rig it that he automatically gets paired up against CT, then they have failed as producers.
I think the stupid confessional afterwards where Johnny deadpanned "Nothing happened between CT and Vince" and then smirked pretty much confirms that.
Yeah I really think that the problem is she fell in love immediately after Ronnie came back and then died(?) again. Plus the weird sexual tension with Barry. Does Caitlin HAVE to be in a relationship/mourning over a relationship constantly? Can't she just be a badass scientist and also a good friend to Barry?
It's really a shame that Jay has been a complete snoozefest ever since he taught Barry how to throw lightning. I could not care less about him and Caitlin being together.
What really made me love Kroll Show when it first came out was its spot-on Degrassi parody Wheels Ontario. When they ended up bringing in Lauren Collins for an episode, I was over the moon.
NBC Peacocks Comedy after all!
I am a little terrified for the safety of everyone on The Challenge because when Abe eventually finds out that Cara has been messing around with a rookie he is going to absolutely flip his shit. Crazy Abram is good TV but holy shit I don't want to be anywhere near him in person.
I could not disagree with you more. Apollo Justice was not great. Phoenix's characterization is inconsistent with the first three games. Apollo's Perception mechanic is clunky and silly. While I do love "The Guitar's Serenade" you have to hear it so many times during that one case that even I got sick of it. The final…
Spencer could not have voted for Jeremy at F6. Jeremy was immune due to the idol.
I really like Malcolm. I'm lukewarm on Joe, but he seems like a nice enough guy. Ozzy is entitled and kind of an asshole.
Survivor (Jeff) really has a hardon for young, virile, attractive men and will showcase them in any way they can. This was no different than the Malcolm jerk off festival a few seasons ago and the time I almost retched when Ozzy tried to give an inspirational speech to "the children." I guess you really have to pander…
I can't believe how much the reunion dragged despite the finale cutting into the airtime. The whole Joe jerkfest was pretty absurd. I was ready for the reunion to be over after only like 20 minutes.
I think it's Jeremy over Kelley and Tasha at FTC with poor Spencer getting booted at F4 just like last time.
I mean as long as the opening scene of the game is Snake taking off his mask to reveal a pachinko machine and saying "Kept you waiting, huh?" I will wait until the end of time.