OK but seriously when do we get to play a new Metal Gear game where Solid Snake is actually just a pachinko machine with a bandanna and a cigarette?
OK but seriously when do we get to play a new Metal Gear game where Solid Snake is actually just a pachinko machine with a bandanna and a cigarette?
I am so excited to play Zero Time Dilemma because I had already resigned myself to never knowing the mystery behind Phi. VLR and 999 were my first exposure to stories with crazy meta twists and they both had a pretty profound impact on me.
If you don't have time to go to a McDonald's you can just change your router's SSID to McDonalds Free WiFi and leave off the password protection. After setting up a connection with your 3DS, you should be able to download Hoopa easily through Mystery Gift.
If you like SMT games, I recommend both. Overclocked does improve on the original enough that I'd say $10 is not a terrible investment. I played both and I thought the extra demons they added in the mid-level ranges made the game less frustrating than the original. I was able to have unique demons pretty much the…
At this point I think I somehow like Savage more? He's just so petulant that it's hilarious. He and Kelly being way awkward to Ciera was hysterical a few weeks ago and Ciera handled it super well. Plus his backwards hat kills me every time he wears it in a confessional.
Sounds like I need to quit being lazy, finish Picross 3D and Pokemon Picross, and get to the Picross e games. I have a bit of a Picross obsession.
Breeding for perfect IVs is trivial these days thanks to all of the helpful mechanics the newer games added. It can be a time sink early on while you get everything you'll need for breeding, but the more perfect IV Pokemon you have, the easier it will be to breed more in the future.
I would agree with you if each of the Pokemon had unique abilities, but all Pokemon of the same type basically share the same ability. I don't ever even use the abilities unless they're required of me for the challenges.
I think the free-to-start model for Pokemon Picross is largely inoffensive. I don't feel quite as scammed because at least there is a spending cap on the game. I'd definitely pay $30 for the game otherwise (so I'm definitely the target demo for them). The only really frustrating thing is that the best and really only…
I agree that their relationship is great, and it's nice to see a more relaxed Ollie. It's just nice that he has someone else he can relax around, especially since he and Diggle are still working out their issues from last season.
I just want to see more of Ollie and Barry banter with each other and have Ollie actually enjoying himself doing anything other than being around Felicity.
He is so good and I'm loving it.
For me it's a tie between "I Have Friends" and "Feelin' Kinda Naughty" for the same reasons everyone else articulated. I texted one of my really good friends a bunch of lyrics from "Feelin' Kinda Naughty" and they were worried for my sanity, but then I sent them the video and they had a good laugh.
Stephen took a risk in trying to keep Ciera around if that's true.
5-4 is super dangerous because all you need is 3 people to vote with the girls against Stephen for a blindside (or 1 person flips to idol someone else out). Joe and Savage were already shown to be more than willing to go after Stephen (though I don't know if that flip is quite Savage's style). 6-3 is a little more…
I agree, so kudos for Stephen for getting lucky he wasn't the minority vote and for being valuable enough to his alliance that people talked Savage/Joe out of blindsiding him.
With 12 people left, they have to force a 7 person majority on Wentworth to get her out. Minus the three votes from Abi, Kelley, Ciera, that left two votes to put on someone else as a backup, so they couldn't do a 7-2 split because the girls would still be succesful at idoling someone out. And, again, they probably…
Round of applause for Savage for providing us with a very entertaining boot episode and strong middle finger game. Even though some may have disliked his arrogance, he still provided entertaining TV and gave us a satisfying exit. He earned his spot on this season by once again getting voted out due to a fluke as a…
They were definitely worried that Stephen would end up getting voted out due to a vote split so they had to make a true majority vote on one of the girls. The best way to secure that would be for everyone to vote for the same person rather than vote split.
So you didn't like the gameplay at all? Sure there were those missions at the end that were probably thrown in to pad out the game and to try and make up for the lack of a third chapter but I thought the gameplay itself was fun. As far as the mythos goes, what more were you expecting? We got to see the relationship…