
I'm really glad I decided to watch this because it was quite fun. I just wish The CW had known how to market it beforehand. The commercials up until recently were not at all a good indication of what the show was actually going to be like. Glad to know that I can still trust Rob Thomas to put out an entertaining

I think their point was that Rich being naked all the time led to him being underestimated as the goofy naked guy so people wouldn't expect him to be scheming. Tyler even pointed out that is exactly what Max is doing, but he's on to it. I do like Tyler's tactic of sitting back and observing, but I wonder if he'll be

Hallelujah! Oh Glory!

The "Believe In Yourself" banner falling down at the end of that scene was just so perfect.

I just don't understand how the math added up in Will's head. There's no way Vince was going to ally with Joe. How in the world was Vince going to vote Will out? Even if he went along with the vote split he would have been safe because everyone would have voted for Vince on the revote. I'd rather have that extra

Absolutely. This was exactly enough Vince. He served his purpose and went out at the right time.

So clearly Vince is upset that Joe reminds him of his slightly younger days. The jealousy spewing from his eyes was fantastic. He was entertaining TV though, I'll give him that.

What's the worst that could happen—it all catches fire and the camp burns down? Production would never let that happen.

Yeah I'm gonna jump ship on Nina. Is Joe or Kelly available as a replacement?

Props for giving yourself first place in a tie. I'd have done the same thing myself.

How can you not love Rosie O'Donnel riding in on the back of Colby's motorcycle?

His pained smile in the opening shot said all that needs to be said.

Welcome back everyone! I am already so fucking excited for this season. The cast is great. Who knew that casting a ton of fans on the show who actually care about it would make such a difference from last season? What's that you say? Everyone knew? Oh, right. Anyway, this episode was a ton of fun. So and Joaquin might

It spins!

Oh god the gay guy's first relationship is going to be from TAR. Oh god.

I'm cringing so hard. I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Yeah I wasn't really sure who to go with because all of the really strong players I wanted have been chosen. My hope is that she'll be out early enough for me to grab someone everyone missed but if she somehow manages to last, I at least don't hate her.

I'll take Jenn. My decision may or may not have been affected by a certain hype man preview.

I'm in. At least I did better in Outcast than dead last in Pick 4.

Max, Mike, Nina, Shirin. I think this is the first time I didn't pick the female cop on the season! Their track record recently hasn't been too stellar…