Or maybe The Specialist specialized in writing like a sane person. He wasn't a secret agent for nothing!
Or maybe The Specialist specialized in writing like a sane person. He wasn't a secret agent for nothing!
But they do pee cock comedy!
So he's flirty, experienced with throwing things at tiles, and a less self-obsessed Christie brother, clearly.
For as snooze-worthy as the SJdS cast bios were, these are pretty great. I'm really looking forward to see how the White Collar Tribe is going to play out. It seems like many of them are real fans of the show and will be playing hard from Day 1. There are still too many people who are most like Parvati, but I will…
I got a huge kick out of the fact that the name of the girl who sang "Pleep Ploop" is named Angela McKenzie-Ng and the name of the girl who plays Tunes in Wheels, Ontario is named McKenzie Ng.
"According to the the episode description, everyone’s favorite character, Laurel, is finally taking up the mantel of Black Canary!"
I don't know if it's good or bad that this song is constantly stuck in my head.
…and/or Cristal.
And then he ran into my knife. He ran into my knife ten times.
Anyone else want to talk about Celebrity Apprentice? I'm watching for the first time since season 2 and it's been pretty entertaining. I was quite surprised to see that I a) didn't hate Kevin Jonas and b) was sad that he got fired so early. He totally overplayed his hand though. Geraldo would have been too tough…
And to think, Jeff said he was very opposed to casting Jon and Jaclyn for the season because he thought they would be boring. Les Moonves was the one who made sure they made it on, and I don't think that was a terrible call. Jon may be a little too trusting for Survivor, but at least his moves interesting.
I think this was a result of all of the rewards being team challenges. Sure, you can give up your spot to other people when you win individual reward, but that's less likely to happen since you're choosing the people who are going with you anyway.
I'm pretty sure Chris has also said that he'd want to come back too. Hopefully Probst isn't still salty about the whole Julie Berry blindside anymore.
Yeah it took me a second, but I definitely feel like his vote was in the same line as Vytas's vote for Monica: making sure second place went to the more deserving person in his mind.
I just remembered that Jenna Morasca also got a less-than-stellar edit. Were the editors even trying to make her likable in The Amazon? She had her mother's health issues to draw sympathy, but it really felt like they threw her under the bus a little bit during that season. The edit basically said that despite…
This was at least a more visually entertaining challenge than See How Many Words You Can Spell Using the Letters in Survivor Pearl Islands.
Tony was up against a pretty tough post-merge in Spencer, Kass, Tasha, Trish, and LJ.
Aras's would probably be when he claimed that Terry was a misogynist with no basis just to stir up trouble. He definitely got a little hot headed towards the end of Panama.
I'm really sick of them having team-based reward challenges. I hate people giving up their spots for other people. I'd rather see the drama inherent in forcing only one person to choose. I am assuming they are doing this to try to cut costs? It's probably much easier to build 2 obstacle courses than assorted…
My guess is Keith wins Immunity at F4 which makes Missy and Baylor turn on Natalie. I feel like they aren't smart enough to not go to the end with each other.