
That was in Caramoan. They named their tribe Enil Edam which is his mom's name backwards.

That was Erik in Micronesia naming his tribe Dabu which, I agree, was great.

I mean don't fault them for combining their tribe names like so many tribes before them. They can't all be Dangrayne.

I really liked how Jon was saying that the numbers would be better for him in Josh and Reed's alliance where they would CLEARLY be bottom two as opposed to Jeremy's alliance where they at least have some wiggle room.

It speaks so much of this season that the buff color for Huyopa is a slightly greener blue than the buff of Hunahpu. Yawn.

The remix of "Simple and Clean" that they use in Birth By Sleep is also fantastic. That game has one of my favorite opening intros ever. It's super spoilery, but that one shot of a despairing Aqua reflected in Ven's terrified eye shortly before Xehanort freezes him while the lyrics say "It's hard to let go" is just

No wonder Russell Hantz lost at FTC twice. He's way too adorable to win Survivor!

I don't think I'm out of the woods yet. Missy definitely has a better chance of sticking around than Josh and Reed. This was probably the last week that I'll be earning points. It's a fight to the bottom! It's gonna be close.

I think Kathy's quit is a little excusable since she lied to the producers and said she wasn't taking any meds and then kinda had a psychotic break from not having the meds she was supposed to be taking.

So now that the boring pre-merge is out of the way, any predictions for how the post-merge is going to shake out? As it stands, it looks like Jeremy is sitting pretty at the head of what I assume will shake out to be an alliance with him, Natalie, Missy, Baylor, Jaclyn, Jon, and Julie with the possibility of also

She's a neat lady?

At the very least, everyone would have been much more appreciative of Neleh's mint.

I think the thing about him winning the million dollars was a brief aside in one of the recent RHAPs, but his interview with Dom and Colin is really great because they pretty much go over his decisions at every tribal council.

Candice was so bad on HvV. She completely fucked the Heroes over when Sandra was practically throwing herself at the Heroes to just get rid of Russell. I really loved Sandra's confessional where she was just basically like "Welp, fuck Candice. I'm trying to help her and the Heroes but I can't flip if Candice is just

Started from the bottom now we…nope still at the bottom.

Rob kinda talks about his time in the Amazon intermittently on the podcast, but I think he does talk about it a fair bit on his Amazon Reunion podcast. I would also recommend listening to his interview with the Dom and Colin podcast. They really dig into his game there. I do think the douchiness was not entirely an

I agree. I think it will be Jon right after Jaclyn gets voted out.

So, yes it was Australia and they even had to give up Colby's Texas flag as part of the trade. I'm pretty sure that the camp flooded after they made the exchange for more rice and the new can of rice floated away. The whole tribe went searching for it and found it stuck in some branches in the middle of the flood.

Ha. I probably was when I saw it…

The R version of Spawn. Wasn't there also a PG-13 version?