A sub-alliance? Well that's the darnedest thing I ever heard.
A sub-alliance? Well that's the darnedest thing I ever heard.
I think Cirie's best move in Panama was recognizing that Shane wanted to take Courtney to the end as his goat and arranging a split vote right under Shane's nose to take Courtney out. That 3-2-1 vote split was genius.
Jeff definitely would have let it fall in and made someone dive down and get it. But it would still be hilarious.
Her delusion wasn't so overt, but don't you think someone else deserved to be in the final two in Survivor: The Amazon?
I'm going to have to have a serious talk with my grandmother about this…
I hate when they do that!
I really, really wanted Baylor or Drew to drop it into the ocean.
I thought I heard them talking about people being good at puzzles. Maybe they were sitting people out in case the next Immunity Challenge had puzzles?
Also: so we're just throwing the Immunity Idol now, or…?
Well that sure makes for an…interesting…relationship.
Wait really? I just watched Nicaragua (only for completionism). WHO VOTED FOR HIM?
It's okay. I can still win. I'm a badass manipulator of this game.
Was Christina Cha dumb or just really really really bad at Survivor? Or was she just browbeaten into submission?
Oh my god, the "You snatched!" scene between Alec and Baylor was PRICELESS. I could not stop laughing at the look Alec gave Josh and then Baylor when he read the treemail and she snatched it from him again. I'm glad Alec feels the need to treat Baylor like his daughter, and wow did his crazy insecurities show…
I was dying over the helicopter shot of him on Exile Island. The second they showed that I knew he was done for. Also how's this for a winner's quote: "So, um, basically I'm a badass and manipulator of this game."
I think you're thinking of Vanuatu?
That was Robb in Thailand, and, yeah, his tribe wasn't exactly a good sportsmanship in that challenge at all.
I don't think Judd was hateful. He was hypercompetitive, stubborn, and stupid so he just ended up picking fights with people. I just thought he was funny and took whatever he said with a grain of salt.
People are also only allowed to speak English on it, obviously.