Counselor Troi

“I am indignant at the use of this overly bombastic misleading shaming rhetoric! My word!”

If you don’t like the two party system, you should be fighting for reform by changing the voting system, not by voting for third parties under our current system, which doesn’t help end the two party system.

actually its really really really easy.

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

“It’s sadly common...” You are being patronizing and disrespectful right now. Alexis’s family did NOT “misgender” him. They were supportive of hist transitions, which were multiple, and his evolving pronoun preferences. Ironically, it is you who are erasing their support and love in order to make his narrative fit

I would wager that MOST of the people complaining about TPP have no idea what it is.

his current 100% rating from Planned Parenthood and NARAL as well as his 0% from the national right committee say differently. Again thanks tho, cause if you want to keep going its only going to drive my comments up higher due to kinjas system so more people are going to wind up aware of the truth.

Nah see cause what is great about Papa Kaine is that while he is personally against abortion he also recognizes that it is my body and my right and his current voting record supports that. He knows there is a difference between personal opinion and public policy. Thanks for the concern tho

Which they paid for with salvaged copper.

“Dammit, Janet!”

Biden probably said, “Alright, kid. Ya gotta bring the goods. But lay off the malarky! That’s mine.”

At one point during Kaine’s dad-joke speech (maybe multiple points, I was mainly listening and not watching) the camera cut to Biden and the look on his face said “This is a worthy successor.” It was adorable and heartwarming.

From Page Six: Sarandon said convention organizers are making it difficult to carry out “the will of Bernie Sanders’ people.”

I agree, though I think the NY Times really nailed it.

Yeah, I definitely understand the conflict these newspaper faced. The top news was that Hillary was officially nominated, but nothing really happened that represented that news photographically. I like the route the New York Times went.

Ehhhhh, I mean all the photos are from the event they’re covering — the nomination — and Hillary Clinton wasn’t there. So kinda hard to get a photo of her. The USA Today one looks terrible.

why does it always seem like his tweets get like 20 extra characters?

Kaine is why you’re staying in Paris? I sort of think you just want to stay in Paris and you’re looking for an excuse.


White privilege