An interesting thing regarding Jackson is that before Trump, he had family working in the White House with him as part of his staff. His nephew Andrew Donelson had a very prominent role in the White House just like Jared Kushner does now.
An interesting thing regarding Jackson is that before Trump, he had family working in the White House with him as part of his staff. His nephew Andrew Donelson had a very prominent role in the White House just like Jared Kushner does now.
There is a boulevard in the Nashville metro area named Old Hickory. There is also a statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest on the interstate but no one can get rid of it because it is on private property and the person who owns it is a big fan of his, I guess.
He also adopted an Indian boy to raise as his own son. Of course, that was after their tribe was slaughtered and Jackson wanted to raise him "white."
The slavery issue significantly divided the Founding Fathers with many accusing Jefferson of being a hypocrite for writing about freedom in the Declaration of Independence but owning slaves himself. They hoped that by the start of the 19th century, slavery would slowly dissipate naturally but the invention of the…
Speaking of truth that is inconvenient, when I went to see the Lost City of Z this past weekend, the trailer for An Inconvenient Sequel played and at the end of the trailer, a guy decided to yell out "Bullshit!" I was very tempted to get out of my seat and yell at the guy but hey, he can enjoy his flooded property and…
Civil war felt inevitable and no one could stop it. There were Senators and congressmen in the early 1820s talking about civil war and secession rather openly in both Houses and that was only quelled because of the Missouri Compromise. The slavery issue was too divisive and heated for it not to lead to civil war.
Convicted fellon Dinseh D'Souza was making that exact same argument on Twitter. Nevermind that Lincoln wasn't well-liked amongst a lot of Republicans to the point that he almost left the party in his presidency and that freeing the slaves was a very divisive issue amongst his cabinet and many Republicans. But let's…
See? I pick the best people. Nobody has better people than me. Believe me.
He would be obstructed by the GOP-controlled Congress just like Barack Obama.
Part of my dislike for him stems from the same reasoning I don't like people like Ted Cruz and the Tea Party i.e. absolutism on so many issues, giving purity tests to other politicians in their party. My reasoning is that if I'm going to hate someone like Ted Cruz for complaining that no one in Washington is as…
I bet Jeff Sessions loves what Duterte is doing in the Phillipines.
Hot take: I've had enough of Bernie Sanders. I'm not a fan of his and I dislike him immensely. He needs to go away. I say that as someone who agrees with him 90% of the time.
He also got 25 million dollars for his book deal so it's not like this is the first time he has taken advantage of capitalism and got as much money as possible from it.
Interesting fact: During the Writer's Strike of 2007-8, John Oliver was the only writer working on the Daily Show at the time because of his green card status which prevented him from striking
We still haven't figured out from the last writer's strike who made Huckabee.
I saw The Lost City of Z Friday and I loved it. Charlie Hunnam, Sienna Miller, and Robert Pattinson all gave great performances. The atmosphere and look of the film was fantastic which proves that James Gray is an insanely talented director and deserves more love and accolades from mainstream audiences. If I had any…
It's not just Bill and Hillary that are the targets but Chelsea as well because God forbid, she has opinions. Chris Cilliza has some personal vendetta against Chelsea but he always defends Ivanka. He basically thinks that Chelsea Clinton running for office is a terrible thing and always overreacts everytime she tweets…
Man, I'm so glad that all those people who voted for Jill Stein can go to bed with their clean conscience! Even though we have a incompetent man-baby in the White House with billionaires and white supremacists on his cabinet and staff, they must feel really good about themselves that Hillary Clinton isn't president.
It's a strain on the editor's wrist.
Trump was right. It's been 100 days and I'm so SICK of all this WINNING!