
Ah, so it's going to follow the path of Mulaney and Cooper Barrett.

I can't believe Mulvaney argued that they were being "compassionate" by cutting those programs. The Republican Party: We REALLY hate people.

If I have my history right, The Shining was a divisive film when it was released and therefore, the Razzies felt that was worthy to shit on it.

The Razzies also gave Kubrick a Worst Director nomination for The Shining so I could do without them.

Isn't Caillou from Canada? He has universal healthcare so he'll just be treated forever.

Apparently, a big concern going forward now in The Netherlands is that several of the center-right parties adopted some of the rhetoric of Wilders and that could lead to an interesting showdown with the formation of the new government.

We shall see. NPR did a report on the election in the Netherlands a few months ago and they interviewed many Dutch citizens who lived in the more rural areas of the country. What was so disturbing was that if you removed in reference to the Netherlands, they sounded exactly like Trump voters.

Stupid Meals on Wheels sucking the lifeblood of the American taxpayer!

I mean, Texas LOVES George Bush Jr. and he is one of the worst presidents we've had. I believe Ohio might be the only state that doesn't have too much pride in their presidents and even then, you still had people in that state complaining about them changing the name of Mount McKinley to Mount Denali.

I think a lot of Tennesseeans just like Andrew Jackson because he's one of the most famous presidents who happens to come from the state.

While I am so happy that Geert Wilders was defeated, he and his party aren't going away anytime soon so the Dutch people who voted against him and his ilk have to keep fighting back against him.

I went to the anti-Trump protest today in Nashville and one of the Dem state reps decided that during the rally was a good time to bring up how great Andrew Jackson was and to quote him. Needless to say, none were too thrilled and several booed him. He meant well and I'm glad he showed support but he needed to read

I was one of those people who went to Trump's protest in Nashville. It definitely felt like there were more people protesting than attending the pro-Trump rally and the fact that there were a ton of empty seats inside the venue he spoke at was even better.

Trump is going to be in Nashville tomorrow and my goal is to go join the protest. He's also going to the Hermitage that day which coincided with the 250th birthday of Andrew Jackson and the Hermitage was going to have a big celebration until Trump decided to visit it and they are going to shut the place down for the

I guess The Daily Show staff was snowed in because they showed a rerun tonight. It didn't occur to me until halfway through that they were reporting on Michael Flynn's resignation and then it was confirmed that it was a rerun when Laverne Cox showed up since they had a different guest lined up.

Aha! Road maps!

Of course, they are now spinning the CBO as corrupt and unreliable. Let's not mention that a Republican is in charge of the CBO or else it will destroy the narrative.

Boy, this country elects some stupid politicians.

DesJarlais is from TN and he's not the only shitty representative from the state. Marsha Blackburn and Diane Black are both horrible and I can personally attest to Black being a terrible human being. Thank goodness none are my reps but I'm still ashamed they come from the state.

Politics Free Space: I didn't prepare anything nor have I really been paying too much attention today to the world of politics. However, I did see that Steve King, Congressman from Iowa, tweeted something today agreeing with Geert Wilders essentially endorsing the idea of eugenics. If anyone has anything else to