
I'm in the minority and found it largely entertaining. I recognize that it is in the lower tier of X-Men films but I still enjoyed it.

Worth it!

Sean Hannity might like it. Trump, Pence, and Ryan could shit in his mouth and Hannity would talk about how great it is. (Note: apologies for that mental image.)

Does this mean we all get free tater tot casseroles?

Sad to see you go. Who will take up the mantle of Politics Corner?

Travis? Who is Travis? His name is Guy Incognito.

Which is funny because they were the same people who complained about Obama being a fascist for eight years but now, they are okay with it and will defend it.

That's the thing in that it accomplished a lot of things it set out to do and any flaws could have been amended but nope, Republicans would rather see the law die.

This whole rollout of the new GOP health care law has made me appreciate the ACA more. It was far from a perfect bill but you could tell that Barack Obama legitimately cared about helping people and felt that this law would have far more benefits than negatives for the American people. It was a law designed to help

I've gotten irrationally angry everytime I have seen that Fast and Furious trailer in the theaters because they refer to themselves as family. It makes me want to throw my phone at the screen.

Even though I like the books, is it alright for me to say that Tolkien isn't the best narrative writer in the world? I always liked his world-building and individual dialogue pieces between character are great but he badly needed an editor. One of the best decisions that Jackson made was whittling down the Council of

It's Ira.

I wonder if a better question might have been what the name of the legislature was instead of the year.

Fuck Sean Spicer for his press briefing claiming that because their law is shorter than the ACA, it is better. Dude, do you have any idea how legistlation works? Of course he doesn't so I'll educate him: The majority of bills that are passed in Congress that deal with significant reform HAVE to be long. The health

I definitely thought they could have done a better job giving context for the Final Jeopardy. However, I wonder if they were thinking that if they even gave a hint that the Estates General was from France, they would have easily guessed the year and the majority of people know that the French Revolution began in 1789.

This ginormous woman will devour us all! *jumps into water*

I actually thought the opening of the episode was some odd dream sequence of the Jennings living a normal life.

Ah, I have only seen one episode of Mad Men my entire life so it didn't register with me.

Another thing that I have come to notice on this show is the amount of drinking on the show. I can't remember a show with this much consumption of alcohol which I guess makes sense given how stressful all their jobs are.

Can you tell us about the time you went to Shelbyville?