
With all that has been going on with Cheeto Benito and his clown show of an administration, I haven't brought up what the Tennessee legislature is trying to do this session. Like last year, they are responding to the gay marriage ruling and are trying to pass many anti-LGBT laws and last year, they succeeded in one

But Trump sounded so presidential tonight!

Can we get Chicago Waste Management next? Or how about Chicago Sewer? What other branches of goverment can we make a series of based in Chicago?

I was into those Youtube Poops for a while but I don't watch them as much anymore.

What about pro-Gamergate videos? You don't watch video game nerds' 30 minute video explaining how hitting women is feminist?

Sad Job, Internet!

His church where he teaches Sunday School is only a few hours away and it would be nice to go one day just to see him. I heard from people who have been that it is wonderful and those people generally speaking aren't that religious.

Not only that but he was also being incredibly lazy and doing nothing at the same time. Thanks, Obummer!

I love how people like Trump think that Obama is some super evil and powerful creature sent from hell to take away guns and destroy America. The theories that every mass shooting was committed by Obama to take away guns was so laughable and filled with so many errors. If these people still have guns then Obama's false

Are they going to blow up the moon?

I sort of had interest in it but I ultimately decided I didn't want to spend 12 dollars on the film.

Thanks, I couldn't remember the title. He finally made his Howard Hughes film which flopped and it came too late as well since Scorsese already did The Aviator.

Eh, Dustin Hoffman doesn't have a great reputation either when it comes to working with other people. The behind the scenes stories about the way Hoffman treated Streep during the filming of Kramer vs. Kramer just to "get into character" are pretty shitty. There's another story of Hoffman hijacking a project from a

It also hasn't helped Beatty that he produced and starred in several high profile flops that were wildy expensive films to make. I believe he made one film that cost 90 million dollars to make but only grossed like 10 million at the box office.

3 2 3 4… 4 2 3…
They were just a couple of pawns.

But he built houses for all those entitled and lazy poor people! I mean, who in their right mind commanded us to help the poor unconditionally???

And the Oscar goes to… George C. Scott in Man Getting Hit by Football.

In fact, you might say we just ate Uber and it's in our stomachs right now!

Did you find the child sex ring? I saw my incredibly racist uncle post a meme about it on Facebook so I assume that is must be true!!!

Ah, then well f—- him.