
Not really. I more mean has he personally apologized for his actions and admitted that what he did was shitty?

A year after Brie Larson won an award for playing a victim and later survivor of rape, sexual assault, and kidnapping, she has to be the one to give an award to a sexual predator. Come on, Hollywood. Casey Affleck is no doubt a talented actor and his performance in Manchester By The Sea was very good but we really

Or they could have just nominated Andrew Garfield for Silence instead of Hacksaw Ridge and give it to him.

I've thought a lot recently about how much the 1980 election influenced the direction of the Republican Party and this country. Looking back, I truly wish that Republicans like Howard Baker, Bob Dole, or Bush Sr. could have gotten the nomination over Reagan. All three were of the intellectual side of the GOP and I

"I'm cold and there are wolves out."-Also Warren Beatty

All Warren Beatty mistakes aside, I was super happy to see Moonlight win. It was well-deserved and such a powerful film. I hope more people in America go see it.

It was the most points barrier since Ronald Reagan won the Cancellation League!

The accents didn't bother me though it sounds like I was in the minority. I was so engrossed by the film that the accents didn't bother me.

I don't even remember Michael Steele when he was chair of the RNC speaking all that much. I really wish these people would research the roles of these people before they open their mouths.

I said this on another thread but my hot take is that Andrew Garfield in Silence gave the best lead actor performance of the year. He should have gotten that nomination over his other in Hacksaw Ridge.

WikiLeaks also defended Milo Whatever-The-Fuck-His-Name-Is so I know where their motives are.

It's alright. By the time 2020 hits, we'll have a TRUE PROGRESSIVE in the White House. Soon, we'll be living in our liberal utopia!

I want Moonlight to win. However, I'm also good with La La Land winning because I also loved it. I just wish Silence got more love from the Academy.

Supposedly, not too many Academy members saw Silence or saw it too late to vote on it which is so stupid because it's a Scorsese film. How could you not want to see a Scorsese film if you are part of the Academy???

Ugh, I saw so many reactions like that *cough*JillStein*cough*. Seriously people, haven't we learned about the BS of "purity politics"? Tom Perez is very progressive to the point to where he was denied by the Senate in 2010 for another cabinet position because he was viewed as too progressive. Plus, he also brought on

Donald Trump is more of a sexual predator than any transgender person.

I love The Simpsons commentaries especially the ones that feature David Mirkin. I always loved hearing him talk and always found it funny that he would explain the jokes. Plus, he gave great insight about directing voice actors and the how-to of it.

TV/Netflix Binge Thread

Reading Brighton Rock by Graham Greene and The Devil in the White City. I've mainly been reading this past week TDITWC and I probably need to get back to reading Brighton Rock soon.

My brother got engaged this weekend! He lives in Japan so that is where the wedding is going to be which means I also get to visit Japan.