
They may have committed some light treason.

Wasn't Haldemann a mailbox? I feel that wouldn't take much explaining.

Edward Snowden told people to vote for third party. Now, he might get traded back to the U.S. and deal with the Wrath of Trump.

Somewhere, Susan Sarandon is huddled up in a ball, constantly repeating the phrase: "Hillary would have been worse than Trump."

His name is Walter Jr.!

I mean, I figured that at least some of them would have basic human empathy. Then again, I don't think "empathy" is a basic value that humans share.

It's kind of incredible how all these gamer personalities are all anti-PC people. Apparently, Jontron has been railing against supposed SJWs.

Not sure about the Swedish part but you are right.

You better run, Egg!

My dating history is nearly nonexistent so I can't help you there.

What a great song from the movie "Earth Jelly"

Woohoo! This day just became great. Time to go listen to my CD "Now That Sounds Like Music."

I mistook you two for a pair of common street screwers.

I imagine that you can get a gun license and a fishing license for $9.50. It's a two for one deal!

On Facebook tonight, I saw the same person post completely stupid memes that contradicted not only themselves but so many other things. The first meme said something along the lines that if you can get arrested for fishing without a license but for not being an illegal immigrant then that country is run by idiots. To

I thought tonight's episode was rather weak especially the main segment. It just felt like he was just repeating the same stuff people have been saying the last few weeks and never added anything new. I liked the ads that he is going to run though.

BET? Why isn't there a White Entertainment Televison network? Clearly, BET are the real racists.

I think you just accidently pitched the gritty origin story reboot of the Wizard of Oz.

I know someone else does the Debate Club but this is a topic that actually interests me: I watched Saturday Night Fever recently and the opening scene might be one of the greatest in the history of cinema. I think it completely sets the tone of the film and tells us everything that we can expect from this film.

KKK-Klinton Kats Killed