
So worth it! Once North Korea destroys the United States, a TRUE progressive revolution will happen!

You bring to mind one of the dumbest things said in the 2012 Republican debates when Newt Gingrich said that Barack Obama hated to work.

I stopped after season 3 so I can't tell you. My dad still watches it but I think he just ignores any plot holes and tries to enjoy it as a standard spy show

It's the least surprising thing to learn that Trump hates being President. I knew he would. Trump liked the idea of being president more than being president. Plus, he liked to hear so many people cheer for him and chant his name at all those rallies which was the only reason he ran.

My personal favorite were the people who complained about Obama doing nothing but anytime he did anything, they always bitched about all the things he was doing and calling him a tyrant. Which is it people? That he is a president that does absolutely nothing or he is a president that does everything?

*nuclear missile heads towards United States*
But, her emails!

I live in that state so I know how you feel. I'm very grateful that I have representatives that listen to me but the state is crazy. One of the state reps apparently claimed that God told him to abolish gay marriage and not to mention that asinine bill that would have made the Bible the official state book. And to


"Ms. Trump, someone finally bought your clothes!"

My state is the same way. While certainly the Senators from TN, Corker and Alexander, have disappointed me, I at least felt they were reasonable and not crazy. If the TN legislature were to pick someone, it would be someone like Marsha Blackburn.

Will JFK's dad, played by James Remar, appear in the show as his conscious that restates everything that has happened in the show?

I always notice the people who complain about the two party presidential system and say things like "it doesn't matter who I vote for in the presidentail race, it won't improve my life" are the same people who have no idea what is happening in local or state goverments. If you are depending on the President of the

Damn! I haven't gotten my check yet from George Soros. How am I supposed to pay for my son's forced gay marriage?

I have a confession to make: I never watched Craig Ferguson.

That's how I always felt about Letterman's or Stewart's interviews. Some nights, they had great interviews because the guest was great. Other nights, the guests would just be there shilling some project and the interview became dull. Conan O'Brien is the only one who I felt consistently gave great interviews with so

Ugh, there is nothing worse in entertainment than to see so many talented people waste their time on a mediocre product.

Hey, Fallon may be a Buzzfeed shill and a Leno knock-off and… ummm, what was the third thing that you said?

I haven't watched it but I was really holding out hope for The Great Indoors because I'm a big Joel McHale fan. Sadly, it sounds like it sucks and isn't getting any better. Joel McHale just needs to go back to doing The Soup.

CBS! CBS! CBS! I don't watch any of CBS' shows so the only reason I watch it is for Colbert and Titans/NFL games. Who would have guessed that an unintended consequence of Trump's presidency was CBS winning the late night war at least for a little bit.

I think the segment I miss most from his old show is Threatdown. They haven't come up with anything that is quite as good as that on his new show. Also, his interviews as his character were amazing and I wish he could still do that.