
Trump has found his host for the Correspondent's Dinner.

7 men standing over another man signing anti-abortion legislation is so fucked up beyond belief. Welcome to America…

Fuck Roman Polanski

Isn't Casey Affleck known in Hollywood as not having the most warm personality either? The only reason I bring this up is because he did in interview with Stephen Colbert that was incredibly tense and I thought for sure that Affleck was going to suckerpunch Colbert at one point.

Plus, it sounds like Birth of a Nation had some serious issues when it came to treating the female characters.

Exactly, we need to consider the opinion of a car mechanic in Iowa when we talk about climate change because he said it snowed where he lived.

It's quite interesting how in the wave of right wing nationalism sweeping Europe, Germany and Austria are the only rational democracies left.

"Oh, what luck! There's a french fry in my beard!"

Did the boxset include Mrs. Pell's Frozen Fish Sticks?

Is there any place left in the world that isn't electing a far-right racist fascist?

Personally, I loved it and thought it was Scorsese's best film in years. It felt like his most personal film he has done in a long time and Andrew Garfield's performance was fantastic which surprised me.

I think what Trump is doing is absolutely nefarious and bordering on evil. Like his campaign, he wants to completely delegitimize long-standing and trusted institutions like elections, the media, the intelligence community etc. by placing a seed of doubt into people's minds and putting people into camps. Either you

And to think, we are only in Day 3 of this adminstration.

$97? But I wanted a peanut.

Not much resistance though there was one of those crazy Christians that is on the street yelling about sin and the apocalypse. Nothing that I saw from where I was that was particularly combative or hostile. Nashville has been a blue city since the inception of the Democratic Party. That sounds like a load of fun.

Yep, if a man like that could see the light and do everything he could to stop the atrocities he witnessed despite his demons, we can all overcome.

It gets a bad rap in that regard and I think it always goes back to an unfair criticism of Spielberg that his films are too schmalzy. For me, the scene of Schindler breaking down crying about how he felt he could have done more always gets me but the ending that shows all of the Jews he saved and their descendants is

I surprisingly found Silence to be inspiring in some way especially in the way the Japanese Christians endured brutal torture for their faith and the character arcs of Rodrigues and Kichijiro.

Despite most of this film being absolutely horrific, Schindler's List has one of the most hopeful endings in cinematic history in that despite being surrounded by evil, good will always last to the end and that it will affect people in so many great ways that will live on for generations. Others include It's A

One of the things I liked about the March was the amount of Democratic politicians joined in. That can be a positive thing for the Democratic Party going forward letting the voters know they stand with them on these issues and they have a party that backs them. At least, I hope that can be the takeaway.