
I think we're actually living in Fry's book from Futurama, the one filled with plot holes and crummy spelling errors.

Or he'll brag about the number of people protesting: "Look out how many people are protesting me. No one else in history has protested this much. China can't even match these number of protestors. Sad!"

I have a love-hate relationship with this country right now. On one hand, I hate how many people voted for Trump. On the other hand, I love that so many people are passionate enough to go out in such large numbers across the country.

Recently, I got back from the Women's March in Nashville and while I couldn't make it until towards the end, there were still a lot of people there from all walks of life and it was great to see so many people stand together for a cause. This is the first time since Trump has been elected that I feel hope for the

Let's hope it translates to the success of the Tea Party by getting progressives elected in state legislatures, governorships, and Congress.

Just what we need, a man telling women how to treat their bodies.

Wow, that is just horrible.

Through Facebook, I've learned just how many people I used to knew in high school and were friends with are now gun-toting racists and that I should avoid those people.

And it hasn't taken long for all my conservative friends on Facebook to complain about the protestors throwing "temper tantrums" and all that. I should just get off Facebook.

I'm getting incredibly annoyed at my liberal Facebook friends who continue to bitch about Hillary Clinton not being liberal but complain about Trump. God, this is like those Nader people who complained about George Bush in 2004.

Well, she wouldn't have repealed the ACA, denied the defunding of Planned Parenthood, have a Justice Department that cares about civil rights, protect Obama's environmental laws, and appointed a Supreme Court justice that doesn't want to outlaw abortion.

Remember when Hillary Clinton wasn't progressive enough? Good times.

I can't deny any of that really. Evangelicalism promotes the idea of following without question so it is impossible for great art to come out of that kind of worldview.

Catholics are pretty much the only Christian denomination that makes good art but for most Protestants, they don't consider Catholicism Christianity.

If there is one thing that I wish people would stop doing is the creepy National Anthem in their promos and trailers. We get it, America is secretly an evil, fascist dictatorship. You don't have to keep it a secret anymore.

Not even Dr. Ken or Last Man Standing? How could you miss those?!?

Nah, conservatives will find someone else to blame.

If Trump stays all four years in office, he is going to look terrible even more than he does now.

It's always amazing how conservatives and Republicans bitch about how liberal artists, musicians, and Hollywood. Maybe more of them wouldn't hate you so much if you actually supported what they did instead of cutting their funding.

I actually agree with a number of your points. If 9/11 happened, there is no way Gore invades Iraq and that situation might have been handled better. Of course, his response could have dictated how he might have done in 2004.