
They also lost a ton of state legislatures and governors since then so the pool for future Senators and Congressmen/women dried up quickly.

I still can't believe the amount of people who believed in the theory that she killed all those ex-DNC staffers.

It's fascinating that not that long ago, California used to vote Republican on many Presidential races. It wasn't until Clinton that it has become a consistently blue state.

He is but my point is that you need to have as many candidates as you can for future elections instead of just one or two like the Democrats. The Republican Party has a lot of candidates that can run in future presidential races. The Democrats do not.

The Democrats have done a terrible job of identifying young candidates that could have won. They cleared the deck for Hillary in 2016 and it backfired on them. As much as I hate the Republican party, they have done a good job over the years of identifying candidates that are young and can be the future of the party so

I also think that the Republicans would have attacked his Senate record considering that he has been a Senator for 25 years and did not have any major accomplishment. Trump attacked Clinton for being up in Washington and not accomplishing anything for years and I believe that they would attack Sanders for the same

I felt he could have done well with black voters across all ages but he seemed to concede the older black voters to Clinton and focused on youth.

Yeah, I can agree with that. For me, I probably should have been worried about Clinton's chances to win the general election if she was fending off an older senator from Vermont who was not even a Democrat and did not have any name recognition.

There are too many Zelda games, please eliminate 3. P.S. I am not a crackpot.

That is all true but having a well run campaign probably would have reached those voters better than what Sanders did during the primaries.

I don't think he did. He, like Trump, got a big bump from crowds and media coverage but his actually ground game was not good for the primaries. It sounded like his campaign was completely unfamiliar with the rules of the primaries and if they did know, they were not very organized. If he ran a good and efficient

I got into an argument with a Sanders supporter on election night and he openly questioned why black people voted for Clinton. I must admit that it was one of the most subtlely racist things I heard in the election cycle.

I'm amazed at the amount of people who claim Hillary "stole" the 2016 election from Bernie and that the rules were set up in her favor. Do these people remember 2008 when Hillary was viewed as the clear favorite and had the majority of superdelegate support? Obama ran a good and efficient campaign and Bernie Sanders

It's almost like you have no business experience at all.

Wendy's is easily my favorite fast food place. I could go for a double cheeseburger right now.

God, I remember that whole #GamerGate controversy and the amount of people claiming that women being harrassed were "professional victims". Their rebuttal was always "I don't think anyone should be harrassed but this person totally deserves it." All because a few critics didn't like they way women were treated in the

Yes, I believe so. I remember watching that video in such disgust that people would do that. Of course, professional taker Clay Travis rebuked the video and claimed that being harrassed is no big deal and that women need to get over it.

It looks like a vanity project for Mark Whalberg to show that he is a badass American hero.

You forgot death panels and abortions for all!

You're just a professional victim!