
I feel bad for female sports reporters who deal with such BS every day from sports bros. I remember a Chicago newswoman being harrassed on Twitter by Blackhawks fans because she dared to report facts about the rape allegation against Patrick Kane.

Because people need it to view the latest outfit from the Kardashians.


I really hate the morons online that are like "WELL GET OFF YOUR COMPUTER THEN!!!" It is one of the things that I have grown to hate about online culture is the feeling that it is okay to harrass or insult someone online because you are anonymous and will not be punished for it and anyone who thinks otherwise is a

This was last year so you missed your chance.

A local radio station was having a sweepstakes to win tickets to see Dennis Miller's standup. I don't know of anyone who would want to attend that show.

So a regular episode of Family Guy?

Happy New Year! I've been doing a lot of re-watching of shows mainly 30 Rock, Malcolm in the Middle, The Sopranos, Bob's Burgers, and Community. They are all still good after all these years.

North Carolina is considered a democracy on the likes of Cuba according to a study I read today.
EDIT: The tactics used by Republicans in North Carolina is the equivalent of what a dictator or oppressive oligarchy would use in one of those third world countries in order to maintain power.
EDITx2: I'll give you the link

Aren't you relieved that you can say Merry Christmas again without the penalty of death under the Trump administration?

The lesson here is never try.

Can't someone else do it?

You could check CBS's sitcom lineup.

So this means that I never have to go outside again?

At first, it surprised me to learn that Gangs of New York was interferred with because who would want to butcher a Martin Scorsese film? Then, I realized that both Kundun and Bringing Out the Dead were box office failures so it made sense of Weinstein to have reservations about an incredibly expensive film from

I like Shutter Island as well. I like it better than Gangs of New York when it comes to the Leo-Scorsese collaborations. It doesn't help that Leo is completely outshined by Daniel Day-Lewis in Gangs of New York.

I started watching Last Temptation a few months ago but I couldn't make it through the first hour. I want to watch it again though. The dialogue and Harvey Keitel's wig were very distracting in my viewing experience.

That is true but taxes were definitely a big catalyst. Another interesting factoid was that George III was actually praised by the colonists in the late 1760s for repealing many of the tax laws and was honored with a statue in the colonies. Of course, George III eventually enforced harsher laws.

I don't like tax incentives. They're course and rough and get everywhere.

It's interesting that the Revolutionary War is framed in schools as a fight against oppression when in actuality, the American colonies were largely independent despite being under British rule. Once the British started taxing the colonists after the French and Indian War, that's when the '"opression" talk started.