
Trump: So that's my plan.
General: You didn't tell me anything, You just walked in here and said "So that's my plan". (That is one of the few jokes from Family Guy that I find endlessly hilarious.)

"You're guilty conscious will force you to vote Democrat but deep down, you all want a Republican that will lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king."

I read an article in the Washington Post today that essentially said that no matter what you do with health care in this country, it will essentially all become a version of Obamacare. Even if single payer is an option in the future (which it won't be as long as the GOP runs Congress), it still would fall under the

Apparently, ISIS is happy that Trump won. Thank goodness that Trump is keeping that plan secret to defeat ISIS!

"She's right, she isn't much on speeches." I remember thinking of that newspaper headline in that episode that said "Simpson wins in a landslide: Credits crazy promises."

True and Reagan at least had some common sense when it came to gun control and raising taxes when he realized he needed to and Bush at least acted like a human being and was probably more ignorant than anything else.

It was interesting to hear Republican voters who were able to get health insurance because of the ACA and questioned all the candidates on the trail about how they were going to replace. One guy confronted Ted Cruz about it and Cruz gave some dumb answer about "looking into it" and then blaming government policies

This seriously reminds me of the "Trash of the Titans" episode of The Simpsons where Homer completely fucked over Springfield. I can only imagine that this was the exchange between Hillary and Trump on Tuesday night:
Trump: Come on Hillary, let's not let this bickering ruin our friendship.
Clinton: You told them that I

He doesn't have the attention span for the job. He was just a figurehead at his corporation because no one trusted him to make major decisions because of how much he screwed things over in other business deals. Of course, this just means his cabinet lead Newt Gingrich, Rudy Guilliani, and Christ Christie and VP Mike

As much rhetoric as there has been on repealing the Affordable Care Act, it will never go away which I'm glad that it is here to stay because I agree with a lot of what it does. However, depending on who is in charge, certain things can be added or removed from the law that could be devastating. So the ACA is here to

You mean to tell me that a story from Breitbart was BS? This throws my entire perception of reality asunder.

Probably an odd choice but the ending of Schindler's List where we see that there are more Jews alive because of Oskar Schindler than in Poland. It's such a powerful scene because it emphasizes that in the moment, the good things we do may not feel big but overtime, we truly see the impact of being good.

I used a PolitiFact post while arguing about guns. I was called out for using "biased" information.

I remember being shocked to learn that even the Puritans drank beer and that is when I learned that brewing was done to clean up the water.

I'm getting really tired of the people saying that not all Trump supporters are racist/misogynists/xenophobes and that I chose to love over hate. While yes, that might not be the case that all of his supporters are outwardly racist/misogynistic/xenophobic BUT they still voted for a man who said all these racist,

Yeah, maybe I used bad wording when I described as a "bad guy" because, like you, I lean liberal and oftentimes, I lost objectiveness. Still, the fact that he won validates every horrible thing he said on the campaign trail and that upsets me more than anything else that he was not held accountable. The Republicans

I don't know. Trump saying Mexican are rapists, bragging about sexual assault, and wanting to ban Muslisms sounds pretty wrong in my book.

I can't believe I live in a reality where the bad guy won. No comeuppance or anything for Trump as Sean pointed out. Everything he has said in his campaign has been validated by his election and will be officially confirmed when he is sworn in January.

Someone posted on Facebook today that what people are saying about Trump supporters is far worse than anything Trump or his supporters have ever said. This country man…

That would be such a shame because I'm holding out hope that Megyn Kelly won't take any of Trump's BS. God, I hate Roger Ailes.