
Dejected and just numb. However, if anything, I feel even more inspired to make sure that an election like this and a candidate like Trump will never happen again. If I ever have children, I will teach them that Trump's behavior is completely appalling and not how a human being should act. I will stay in this country

Co-signed. Seriously, I'm just so done right now. I was on the verge of tears listening to Hillary Clinton's concession speech because I could just see the pain in her eyes. I have never felt more afraid about the future of this country than I have today all because the love child of a Yahoo commenter and a Cheeto won

Yeah, we're fucked. Goodbye to health care, climate change solutions, and any protections for the LGBT community.

God, there is going to be a Trump News Network, right? It'll literally be equivalent to North Korean television.

I truly did expect better from American voters and that was total naivety on my part. I just didn't realize so many American voters did not care about anything Donald Trump said or did.

Saw someone on Facebook today asking Donald Trump to jail Hillary Clinton. This election did not make me lose faith in American democracy, I lost faith with the American voter.

This country will go from Barack Obama to Donald Trump as president. I just don't even know how to feel anymore….

I'll be watching Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, and Trevor Noah because those three have done an amazing job in keeping my sanity during this election. Maybe Jon Stewart will come out of hiding one last time.

I got into an argument tonight with a BernieOrBuster who claimed that Bernie would have won. That was not going to happen especially after seeing tonight.

If Donald Trump can win the Presidency, I can be a freakin' airline pilot. Am I qualified? Absolutely not! That doesn't matter because I'm an outsider and I will change course no matter how wrong it might be.

Boardwalk Empire?

Damn, I have heard that California has a ton of ballot measures. Tennessee has four in 2014 that I voted against. Of course, all four passed…

Mr. Burl, you are well known for your lenient stance on crime but suppose for a second that your house was ransacked by thugs, your family was tied up in the basement with socks in their mouths, you try to open the door but there's too much blood on the knob…

My ballot in Tennessee was short since there were only three categories on the ballot: president, congressman, and state representative. I voted for Clinton, retained my congressman, and my state rep was running unchallenged. It was the easiest 45 seconds ever.

Iowa had a quarterback named Ricky Stanzi who was hardcore conservative and during one of the trophy presentations for a bowl win, he said over the mic that if people don't like America they need to leave. Apparently, one of the things he used to do in the weight room while listening to music was sing out "Born in the

Don't forget Jon Stewart and every sports writer in the U.S.

I don't know why but I get Paul Reiser and Paul Schreer mixed up. When I first heard this, I thought they casted Kenneth's boss from 30 Rock.

NYPD Shoe!

Hey, I may not think and whine a lot and… uh, what was the third thing that you said?

My favorite is still the one where he went to the Trump rally and engaged in "extreme vetting" with his supporters.