
Jordan Klepper's field pieces interviewing Trump supporters has been a highlight for me. Jessica Williams interviewing former Bernie Sanders supporters voting for Trump was another great piece as well. So while The Daily Show has been more up and down the last year, there are still some great pieces being done by that

You know Nietzche says that out of chaos comes orgy.

I truly do commend anyone who can forgive someone who has committed a heinous act that has affected you. I was at a charity dinner this past summer where the guest speaker was the husband of one of the victims of the Charleston church shooting. To hear him talk about how he looked Dylan Roof in the eye and said that

I like the World War I setting. I see they are going with the theme of Diana seeing humanity at its absolute worst and being disillusioned by it which is why she remained quiet for all those years. Plus, it's legitimately cool to see in a DC movie a hero actually saving lives and having great regard for other people

Listen, I know that Fargo has been a great show and certainly Westworld is doing well but can we please stop adapting every movie ever made into a television show? Some stories are best left told in two hours.

"I drink your milkshake!"

My take away from the interview is that Mel Gibson is still nuts.

Anybody have any thoughts on Harry Truman? I personally think he is underrated considering he really pushed for civil rights, helped rebuild Europe, fired McArthur which was an unpopular move, fought against anti-communist sentiment especially in Congress, defended the New Deal, and desegregated the military.

That's a good pick and Stevenson's selection of Estes Kefauver as Vice President was excellent as well. Kefauver could have run for president if he didn't antagonize mainstream Democrats for his railing against corrupt labor unions.

Lincoln is my pick for greatest president. The election of 1800 had arguably the two smartest men in the history of American politics running against each other.

At least Laguerta got a park bench to commemorate her terrible detective skills

Those aren't buoys…

It means he gets results, you stupid chief!

He's a loose cannon pope that doesn't play by the rules!

13 Mind-Blowing Facts about Election Day that will leave you Speechless. Number 6 is jaw-dropping.

Abraham Lincoln and George Washington might be the closest because both are considered fantastic leaders and great men overall. However, I think Washington's reputation is aided by his leadership during the Revolutionary War and the fact that he didn't seek more than two terms as president than his work as president.


That reminds of a state senate race here in Tennessee where the incumbent Republican senator was challenged in the primary by a hardcore Tea Party conservative and sent out mailers that showed the ISIS flag photoshopped on a front porch and accusing this senator of welcoming terrorists. This was in response because

I hope someone was fired for that blunder.

Okay, throw them in the hole.