
That was incredibly frustrating to see McCain endorse Trump because even if I never agreed with his politics most of the time, I respected his service and the fact that he was one of the few Republicans to oppose torture. He did that for entirely political reasons and I gained a lot more respect for Cruz because he

Well, I guess I misremembered that. Fault on my part but I still stand by the hypocrisy of his supporters decrying Karpernick even though Trump directly insulted a Vietnam Veteran because he was a P.O.W.

I go back to last year when Trump said that John McCain was not a war hero since he was captured. I remember thinking that was one of the most insulting statements made by a presidential candidate in recent memory. However, media and conservatives didn't denounce and some defended him. At that moment, Trump knew he

Hillary must have killed his cat in order to get that endorsement.

That's the thing about W that after 9/11, he urged Americans to not judge Muslims and embrace them as friends and allies. He also gave a pretty good speech this past summer at the funeral for the Dallas police officers that definitely made me emotional listening to him talk. Compared to Trump, W looks really apealing

I gave up on this show after three seasons so I don't really care. The Americans is still the best show about spies on television by a long mile.

As much as I might not like the Bushes, at least they had a certain level of humanity about them and didn't feel the need to treat everyone they meet like a piece of shit. The Trump family is absolutely deplorable in every way and just insulting to American politics. I never thought that I would rather see another

The series finale of that show must have been depressing. Half of the town was in jail for committing crimes while the other half was murdered. I wonder what she would do with her life.

He's incredibly comfortable right now. The convention coverage really recharged him.

I do hope that Fallon's "interview" with Trump will bring his ratings down.

I remember the days when TBS used to show a lot of comedies and when they advertised the films, they would always include some comedic snippet. For some reason, they used to show Lord of the Rings and they would show one of the five jokes in the entire series as somehow being funny and they would play goofy, jazz

Because I'm specifically referring to Christian entertainment. There are a lot of bad things about Christian entertainment and I feel that reaffirmation is the worst part of it. You can say that about a lot films but they at least can understand subtlety or nuance and are well done. You can't say that about much of

The worst part of Christian entertainment is that is just reaffirming everything that you have been taught. Katie pointed it out at the beginning that these kinds of experiences are just made for the church going crowd. I currently go to a Christian university and it is incredible the amount of people at this school

I just finished Silence by Shusaku Endo. It was a great book because unlike a lot of books about faith/God that I was forced to read in high school, the book did an amazing job of conveying struggles that people go through when it comes to faith especially in challenging the idea of a present God on this Earth. It

Most of Six Feet Under Season 3.

I loved Interstellar's theme. I was humming it all the way home and it was pretty much stuck in my head for weeks on end. I still listen to it.

That's the saddest thing about this election is how much the media has just shrugged off many of Trump's remarks but then harps on Clinton because she made a remark that is truer than 90% of what Trump says. An entire presidential candidacy is based around pure bullshit but the media has just completely failed at

Don't look at Danny Kanell's Twitter feed unless you want to see tweets about the "war on football" from the "liberal media."

I know that it was in the later seasons but Alan Moore's appearance on The Simpsons is one of my favorite guest appearances on that show.

I'm excited to see this. I'm a big fan of Affleck the director and his films are always populated with great supporting actors and this looks no different. Plus, I'm glad to see Brendan Gleeson in a potential awards contender film.