
That's the early word right now that they'll release it limited on Christmas and expand it nationwide on January 13.

Jim Jones is good but he's no bowl of Special K.

Anytime I get excited thinking about the Titans especially with Marcus Mariota, Derrick Henry, and Demarco Murray being the anchors of the offense, I immediately come back to earth because Mike Mularkey is the head coach.

I love the mine cart chase in Temple of Doom and I learned years ago it was originally going to be in Raiders of the Lost Ark until they nixed it because it would be too expensive to film. The opening in Shanghai also was going to be in Raiders but from what I understand, it didn't exactly fit in with the rest of it

Agreed especially the first two Terminators. I believe the main reason why the Terminator sequels have sucked has been that it does not have that detail or world-building that James Cameron would put into his films. He's very similar to Ridley Scott in my opinion because both put incredible detail and immerse the

Hey, weasling out of things is important to learn. It's what separates us from the animals… except the weasel.

All snark aside about how shitty the DC Universe has been, I am actually looking forward to a Ben Affleck directed Batman film. He was easily the best part of the laughably bad Batman v. Superman and I do look forward to exploring his Batman. It helps that Affleck's track record as a director is significantly better

Les Wynan

I will say in my social circles, I do have a tendency to be the #wellactually guy so me not liking Marvel or DC probably won't change that perspective.

I do that already. My favorite films of the summer have been independent films.

Hey, I've grown tired of Marvel movies AND I don't like the DC Cinematic Universe so what does that make me?

Same here. I desperately want to see Silence despite its over 3 hour run time but The Wolf of Wall Street was about three hours and that is probably my favorite film of this decade. I want to try to read the book though but my library hasn't had it available to check out on a while so it could be challenging.

I don't know how anyone feels about this but for me, American Sniper just didn't work for me as a film and surprisingly, I wasn't even thinking about the depiction of Chris Kyle or whether the film was anti-war or pro-war or anything like that. As a film, I just found it to be dull and one of the least interesting

I love Aasif Mandvi but The Brink was just dull. It doesn't really inspire too much confidence in me to see one of the writers of The Brink creating another show.

It truly was bizarre that the contracts worked out like that. I don't really know how late night contracts work but barring some specified date in the contracts that has to be the end point, aren't most late night talk show renewed for a calendar year? It just seemed weird that Comedy Central didn't give the show a

I saw Jason Bourne last week and I actually liked it. In fact, I would say this one had some of the best directed action of the series. It combined the Paul Greengrass style with control so the action weren't as nauseating as say in The Bourne Supremacy.

Gravity and The Force Awakens have been the only positive 3D experiences that I had. Avatar wasn't that great of a movie so I felt like the 3D was just a distraction from the bland movie I was watching and Man of Steel gave me sensory overload.

Dexter also looks really bad when you compare it to Breaking Bad. BB had some of the most compelling side characters in television history and even the least interesting ones like Marie and Walt Jr. at least had things to do that could impact the story or characters. Dexter was just downright stupid with its side

My favorite part of that is Lisa's comment after watching the commercial, "I don't get it, Dad. Why did Lenny want someone to saw off his legs?"

He still is I imagine. That picture is from when he appeared on the show last year.