
Breitbart has enabled me to un-friend people on Facebook who link to that site which lets me know all the people I don't need in my life. So it's allowed me to weed out some obnoxious people on Facebook which can't be all bad.

James Buchanan is easily the worst president in this country's history. He was so incredibly tone deaf to the slavery issue and he even convinced a Supreme Court justice to change his vote on the Dredd Scott case so that it would be apparent that the case was not as close. Of course, his reasoning was that if the

I don't see any cameras.

It sounded like that Comedy Central knew that John Oliver was going to be courted no matter what and even Stewart conceded that it was going to be really hard for him to go back to his role as a correspondent after being successful hosting the show. No one knew that Jon Stewart was going to retire over a year after

He was randomly in an episode of Master of None as a food truck vendor. It was just a one-off appearance but it was quite strange to see him in that.

Are you sure it wasn't Marine Todd? Wait, that's a different story where he assaults a professor for not believing in God.

I miss The Soup as well. He was just so perfect for that role. He doesn't need to be doing shitty sitcoms for CBS.

You mean you aren't excited for Joel McHale's sure-to-be-hilarious new sitcom on CBS that skewers millennials? Because that has never been done before.

The show was just a big ole bowl of meh. It lacked energy and had no flow whatsoever. The one thing that I'll say about Trevor Noah is that he at least has energy when doing the show unlike Larry who never really had the energy to host a talk show.

Maybe he can return to The Daily Show as the Senior Black Correspondent.

I know Samantha Bee mentioned that she didn't want to do interviews as well.

Stewart also saw that Colbert, Leno, and Letterman were all leaving their shows with Colbert going to a completely different network and probably felt that someone else could take over the show. Seeing Oliver host it that summer gave him and Comedy Central the idea that someone else could take over that show.

There was another panel they did where Mike Yard said that people need to hit their kids more if they want them to behave. That death penalty episode was just bad all around and I remember one of the panelists left mid-episode because of that comment.

Once Colbert came back, my viewing of the show went down to four minutes and then I eventually turned it off completely.

He did a segment on Caitlyn Jenner and watching it was absolutely painful. The way the studio audience was reacting was just as painful as they had no idea how to react to what they were watching. Overall, I liked the points he brought up but it never clicked for me.

I know the AV Club did a For Your Consideration last year saying that Wilmore would have been a great successor to Jon Stewart and I tend to agree. I think his style would have worked better on The Daily Show than whatever he was trying to do with The Nightly Show.

Comedy Central probably does think that way with The Daily Show which is why they are giving it a chance to turn it around.

Well, it didn't help that his ratings were largely lagging and losing Jon Stewart probably didn't help his show either. The online presence of Trevor Noah's show has helped him despite ratings significantly below what Jon Stewart was pulling.

Unfortunately, I lost interest in his show the last few months. He made some great points but the show wasn't all that funny nor did it reach the height of The Daily Show or The Colbert Report in terms of satire. I like Larry Wilmore and hope that he can find something else on television in the future.

Helga's Parrot was definitely a repetitive episode and as much as I enjoyed Helga's Diary, the writers are really stretching for stories at that time.