
I think Casey Affleck is a better actor than Ben. I'm excited because I ordered The Assassination of Jesse James through Netflix so I'm going to watch it this weekend.

I am the Cheese!

Huh, looks like there could be good movies to end this terrible summer movie season with this, Pete's Dragon, and Sausage Party. I'm looking forward to seeing this because I've been yearning for a film like this to be released.

It's incredible that despite the success of the First Gulf War, Bush was never re-elected. Unlike invading Iraq, the First Gulf War actually made sense and they had a plan and completed the plan. The fact that Bush Sr. wasn't able to turn that into a second term is terrible on his part. Granted, the economy wasn't

"Oh no, I've killed Wilson! Looks like it's back to jail for me."

Same here. It was a fun two hours at the movies which is far more than I can say for most movies I've seen this summer.

Once again, Walton Goggins knocks it out of the park. I never watched Eastbound and Down so this is my first experience with a Jody Hill comedy so the dark humor is jarring but I still find it funny. I love the fact that the "protagonists" in this show are just terrible people and the show treats their actions as

I know this has been stated many times in the comment section but the first half of season 1 is okay but it becomes an amazingly great show. It's well worth watching. It's funny but also has surprising depth to the point of gut wrenching. It is definitely the second best animated show right now behind Rick and Morty

"Ride of the Valkyries" from Apocalypse Now, "Born to be Wild" from Easy Rider, "Sound of Silence" from The Graduate, and "You Can't Always Get What You Want" from Californication.

I know someone who lives in Colorado and he is ALWAYS posting about weed. Judging by his Facebook page, you would think weed is the most magical thing ever created.

2017 I believe. The date is not set yet but I'll be watching.

Well, yeah, you're right. I know in the context of 19th Century Europe, the nationalistic, democratic ideas that permeated Europe with many people openly looking to get rid of monarchs never reached England.

I can't argue with that. It's incredible that a revolution never reached England like other places that deposed monarchs in Europe but British Parliament was able to pass legislation that appeased the people before any violence ever broke out.

It is amazingly complex. You pretty much have to trace it back to the Napoleonic Wars to have an understanding of why the conflict escalated the way it did. Most of it though is just the French and the Germans hating each other for one hundred years.

The one thing that I can count on with a Nolan film is gorgeous cinematography. Wally Pfister's work with him early in his career is incredible and Hotye Van Hotyema looks to be continuing the great images of Nolan films.

Besides Christopher Nolan doing a war film, I'm also excited to see Tom Hardy in it. Hardy might be my favorite actor working in film/television right now.

I took a 19th Century Eurpean History course in college and the last half of the class dealt a lot with the build up to WWI. It legitimately shocked me how petty and pointless the war was.

I always found it interesting that the 1990s had a lot of films that would essentially be adapted into a television series. American Beauty would become Six Feet Under, The American President would become The West Wing, Goodfellas would become The Sopranos, and Gladiator would become Rome.

Ian Duncan.

Donald Trump has said so many terrible things that I remembered just this morning about him bragging about being right about terrorism after the Orlando shooting. The fact that people now are legitimitally questioning his sanity is something to behold but nope, he still might win this election because Hillary Clinton