
I was trying to think of the best character to kill Ramsay Bolton off whether it was Sansa, Jon, or Arya. While torture for life would have been the only other acceptable punishment I would have taken, seeing his hounds devour him to death was the best and most deserving punishment in the entire series.

President Obama's speech after the Sandy Hook massacre was heartbreaking. You could tell this hurt him more as a father of two girls than as president. Of course, some people had the audacity to criticize him for crying and those people are full of shit.

Sandy Hook was the incident that broke me. I don't know why it took me until Sandy Hook but after that incident, I knew that gun control was needed in this country. I feel for you and the entire LGBTQ community. Incidents like this should not be so common in this country no matter what group of people it happens

I agree with you. At this point, I have no faith that a Republican controlled Congress will do anything to curb gun violence. Granted, this might be able to get people to change their minds about the LGBTQ community as The Ghost of Eazy E stated below. I live in a Republican controlled state with both senators being

It reminds of that piece from the Daily Show a couple of years ago where all the correspondents were reporting on the Santa Barbara incident but they were repeating talking points about mass shootings in general. My favorite bit came from Jason Jones where he was talking about blaming shootings on rap music or media

Congress isn't doing anything about gun violence so this is the best that we got.

"Stop politicizing a clearly political issue!"-Half of social media

I wanted to throw my phone across the room when I saw that Marco Rubio said that homophobic views are part of the Islamic faith. Fuck you, Christians in this country have stoked homophobia in this country and now they are suddenly lecturing Muslims about homophobia?

I swear to God, if I see anyone on Facebook post that dumbass NRA statement about "The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"… Thoughts are with those in Orlando and everyone in this country that are affected by gun violence every day.

Yes I did since that is the one that is on Netflix.

The Nice Guys: Incredibly funny movie. While it wasn't the most original movie I have ever seen, I was engaged in the story and characters. Russelll Crowe and Ryan Gosling were great and the actress who played Ryan Gosling's daughter was a surprise. It was classic Shane Black.

I think she needs to vote in state and local races if she wants things to really be different. That is always my message to people who complain about how things won't be different whomever is president.

Glad to know I share a birthday with Morgan Freeman. Also, today is my birthday! Here's to another year of inching gradually towards death.

Report: Man likes movie. People online don't like it that man likes movie.

FDR wasn't exactly the bastion of civil rights. Truman and Johnson were really the first Democrats to champion civil rights and the divide really began during the late 1940s. Truman desegregated the military in 1948 and Strom Thurmond ran as a Dixiecrat candidate that year. It's a shame because Roosevelt accomplished

Maybe because I went in with no expectations but I enjoyed X-Men: Apocalypse. It wasn't anything great but I didn't think it was as bad as the reviews made it out to be. It could have been shorter and the pacing was bad but I enjoyed some of the performances, the set pieces, and seeing Quicksilver again.

A lot of textbooks try to defend slavery. They essentially say that slavery wasn't all that bad because African culture was introduced to the US, slaves learned trade skills, and that Christianity flourished. The fact that there are still people who are adamant that the Civil War was not about slavery it does not

And if they are in history textbooks, its about how black people didn't have a huge problem with slavery because they "had opportunities" to learn skills they would not have otherwise learned if they weren't slaves.

Don't forget that reality show that made poor people feel guilty about taking a shit load of money because there was another family that was also suffering.

A remake of Song of the South.