
America: where fighting pointless wars is justifiable while providing health care for all is the work of Satan.

It really is insane. What do these people want their tax dollars spent on? Pointless wars?


I read this book in eighth grade and I read it really quickly. I don't know why they think it is somehow "above" young teens because it is not. The book sucks anyway and the only reason I read it because I went to a Catholic school and the faculty kept making a big deal out of the book/movie and I wanted to see what

Californication. Other than parts of the first season and the fourth season, I can't stand that show anymore. The characters are insufferable, the story lines are terrible, and the writers on that show have no idea what to do with the characters the majority of the time. Season 3 made me angry watching it until that

The title of that song has not aged well…

I feel like that can be true for a lot of films/television shows that feature a place or location heavily as part of that story. That is kind of funny though because Austria is not painted in any negative light in that film and the "Edelweiss" song has a not-so-subtle message about Austria telling Nazis to get out of

My favorite comment about the Sound of Music comes from my dad who says, "That movie is best thing to happen to Austria because it makes the Austrians look innocent when the Nazis invaded."

Samantha Bee has been doing a good job of making fun of the Democratic candidates.

Space Conflict

Someone told me that the original Japanese version is really serious. I only watched a couple of episodes and it has been a long time since that show has been on the air and that I have had any interest in anime.

I mean, the Frieza fight destroyed an entire planet so it's not out of the question for them to cause a shit load of destruction.

Does anyone else remember some anime that was called Bobobobo that was about an oppressive world government that forced people to have their hair cut in a government approved way and a barber rebels against the government? Yeah, anime can be weird sometimes…

That is probably the one anime that could work in live action but I do agree with you that they would screw it up somehow. Unless they get some great director of course…

Hollywood will never learn its lesson that cartoons especially Japanese anime will never translate well to live action.

I'm trying to think which character killing Ramsey would be the most satisfying but then I realized that any character could kill him and it would be satisfying. Game of Thrones has gotten dark but Tyrion is still able to find humor in everything so I'm glad that he still around.

I rewatched it recently and it really is hilarious. I loved how he directly insulted Bush over Iraq and I got shades of that tonight with Wilmore. He wasn't afraid of the crowd and just rolled with it even if the audience didn't go along with it. I wished he cut back on the "Ted Cruz as the Zodiac Killer" bit but his

I'm amazed at the amount of people who thought Larry Wilmore "bombed" at the Dinner. Even Stephen Colbert couldn't make the room laugh. Nothing gave me greater pleasure than seeing a room full of rich, white people have to sit through that routine.

I'm surprised that Penelope Cruz wasn't listed for her role as Adam Sandler's wife in "Grown Ups".

The network decided just to model itself after Fox News. Luckily, it has been a disaster unlike Fox News.