
With Vinyl not being the success that HBO thought it was going to be, I'm not surprised the head of HBO is doing everything he can to make sure Game of Thrones remains on the air for as long as possible. They have no other dramas they can rely on right now so they are trying to pull a Showtime and milk the show for

David Chase still hasn't explained himself over that Christopher Columbus episode of The Sopranos. I have far more questions about that than the finale.

Jon Snow needs to have a bench named after him as well. We also need a storyline about who will be the next lieutenant in the Bolton army

Absolutely! Great drama, great performances mainly from Sterling Brown, Sarah Paulson, and Courtney Vance, great writing, and just a realy interesting look at the trial.

The Americans, Better Call Saul, and The People v. OJ Simpson has made this spring season of TV absolutely fantastic. This show is so good and I bet HBO wished they had a non-Game of Thrones drama as consistently good week in and out as The Americans. FX is at the top of their game right now (Tyrant and AHS not

You mean you don't want to see more memes that connect Minions and politics for no reason?

I always found the Jon Stewart-Bill O'Reilly relationship to be one of the strangest. Jon Stewart made fun of him so many times yet anytime they interacted with each other, they had this mutual respect for each other.

In third grade, I was forced to watch a video about gun safety starring Eddie Eagle. My hatred for the NRA grew out of that experience mainly because they had the most annoying jingle ever for kids when they encountered a gun.

I completely forogt that Six Feet Under did those weird commercials for funeral products in the pilot. I'm glad they dropped it completely but I'm still surprised they kept them in the pilot.

All the people who share that are the Libertarian/third party/conspiracy theorist people who somehow think that by sharing a clip from an average TV show, they are somehow exposing THE TRUTH and they are total badasses for sharing it.

Arrested Development's satire on the Iraq War is still amazing to this day.

Roger Ebert mentioned in his review of Aladdin how much that role was made for Robin Williams because the manic style of the character fit perfectly with his comedy and that live action could never capture the style of Williams like animation.

Paging John Oliver, we have the next idea for a "How is this still a thing?" segment.

I can't wait to eat that monkey.

The first time I saw the poster, I thought that was Dustin Hoffman and Dave Chappelle. It has an insanely high rating on IMDB.

Has anyone actually watched Nikki Glaser's show? I've seen absolutely nothing on it anywhere.

"Arby's: bringing Washington-style gridlock to your colon."-Jon Stewart

As if we need anymore proof that Fox News is the most tone deaf organization in the history of humanity.

With RGIII in Cleveland now, they can fight it out for who can send passive-agressive social media quotes better.

I would say FX has the best crop of shows right now on a network. Sure, American Horror Story and Tyrant is shit right now but everything else they make right now is great.