
So to speak

Working with the Government, the military no less, I can say there is a lack of workflow cohesion. Basically, getting things from point A to point B can be a pain in the ass through usual means. Yes, there are ways to do things that are unclassified, but usually there is a consumer product that is much easier, faster,

The issue I have with these statements is that before the site design change, Gizmodo was bursting with incredible commentors, who had their own specialties and were immensely helpful in most anything you would want. There was good conversation between the commentors and writers about articles, and good will between

I was an Apple user at the time, but when the noise about all of this started, I went down to my local Apple store to try it out. Started picking up displayed phones with full bars and watched them drop. After 10 straight, I decided that yes, there was a problem. The only reason I switched to Android was to switch

Unibody here. So unless I misread something, I'm sticking with it.

Agreed! I'm starting to slowly understand that bow ties are very much a Southern tradition, and much like (real, good) sweet tea, they pretty much disappear above the Mason-Dixon Line.

Bow ties are always in style. Of course, I'm in a fraternity, where knowing how to tie one was a required task for me to join, but I've always liked the casual look they give off with a decent button-down. But I also rock a tie just because, so maybe I'm just weird.

Snow Leopard is as far as I ever see taking my Mac. None of the features in Lion sold me, and neither do any in Mountain Lion.

And how common are they? They're mostly in cities where internet access isn't a problem. So people in the boonies need to drive 2 hours to download Mountain Lion? That is, if they want to. Me, I'm rocking Snow Leopard til the end of time. Thanks for telling me my summer '08 MacBook Pro is out of date, Apple.

Well to be fair, Ponies! lost his star every other week, even before the site redesign. His comments were generally of such astute and epic proportions that it didn't matter and couldn't stay that way for long. It was only after the redesign, when commenting was broken and the spirit of the community was destroyed,

If an authoritarian government that massacres its own people doesn't hold us in high regard, I'm okay with that actually.

Wasn't their stated reason for removing unlimited at $30 that it saved most users money? Now they're back to that price, but at an infinity/Gb inflation ratio (assuming unlimited truly meant unlimited, which it didn't)

I think FB and Google are holding back today to see how the "lesser" internet companies push things, so that they don't push their competitors forward. For FB, that's Twitter, and Google, Bing. If this doesn't work, I would imagine they will coordinate a day, and the massive FlusterCuck that will ensue will finally

Because GodinHeaven's comment is to short to respond to, I just want to say beautifully done by both of you.

I wonder if he will support SOPA more now to get rid of this. "You posted this without my permission, SOPAMAN to the rescue!"

And am I going to be scarred for life if I ask what exactly that is?


I know, Giz is obviously using a blatantly misleading image to get free click-throughs from the Bronies.

Well if everyone would quit being all uptight and complain every time we kill some starving African child or some goddamn towelhead, we could go back to the good ol' era of carpetbombing with B-52's, level the country, and get out and get oil for half the price.