
HTC, getting back to their Roots. It just feels so good.

Eh, you're forgetting that they have that govt. systems have their own filtering system, along with security and a couple specialized things they probably aren't posting for this very reason. Not to mention that these are only for their open access systems.

And you know what? People where saying the same things when email came out. "If my friends won't bother to take the time to write me in a real letter, taking time out of their day and making me feel special that way, then why would I bother giving them an email address? You guys do that, I'll be over here when you

We had already outsourced everything else, we were running out of options.

The dude who set up the remote controlled hunting stand is sooo pumped right now

Fairly certain the common number is 13.75 billion, which puts that within the time frame, though early

I'm really pissed off about your comment. Before I read it, I was going to claim this place as a utopia. Constantly tanned skinny people who always work out? The Govenator and I are going house hunting next weekend. But now that I know they're all going to be 4'11, no thanks. I'll stick to Florida and HGH, thank you

Our military dogs are have some training as far as relations with other people besides their handlers. Some are adopted as pups by families in San Antonio until they reach the age to begin their full training. So while they spend most of their time with their handlers, they are socialized with others

We would be more than happy to, however, we would need the Mexican Governments approval. We have (had) approval for drones in Pakistan, but Mexico feels this is overstepping their sovereignty. So until they give us the word go, we can't. And even if we do, they will probably put so many constraints on us that it will

Sounds like a Baptist Easter play to me

Because of the wording of both this and the fratricide predator attack, I would like to point out that there has never been an autonomous attack mission. The autonomous abilities are for predetermined routes, generally Intel missions, where the UAS will fly a route programmed into it by a person on the ground. For

#corrections The picture is actually a Reaper drone, not a Predator. The easy way to spot this is the Predator has the vertical stabilizers (read slanted things in back) facing down, while the Reaper is facing up. Google image search will give you a good image of a Predator firing a missile for a more correct image

If you look at, you will notice it is clarified as "uncrewed". This means there is no aircrew onboard a predator drone; however, it is piloted by a human being when a missile is going to be launched. Since my job involves working closely with the people who pilot these, the people who choose exactly where the

Wow, all the benefits of typing on an iPad, without a streamlined interface for it, plus I get to spend more money! I'm gonna go pick this up day one to start typing my screenplay on! I can't believe Apple didn't do it first!

Nvm, thought you might be in a Greek organization in college. I am an Alpha Tau Omega so it's nice to see other greeks on here

Completely off topic, what Greek organization are you?

#trollpatrol I'd let the first comment go, but your response is too much.

"If they're going to insist on continuing to make music games, how's about one where you actually play the music for once?"

I think it's a matter of the steam having to go somewhere. If they don't let it out, the pressure would just make the place blow. It's when they have to let the steam out that there is a risk of radiation exposure/explosion from pressure building too high. I might be wrong on this, but it sounds right so I'm going

Just because the public knows of something doesn't mean it's not still Top Secret+. Everything that was leaked on wikileaks is still classified, even though anybody can go see it