
You forgot to factor in the $300 early termination fee, which means your net would be something like $500. Just Wait

You can try it, but honestly it shouldn't be that hard to find a 3.5 one. I have one in my car, and it cost me $10 at a CVS. They're pretty common, I wouldn't risk wasting my money on one that might now work

@Msj2705: There has been a recent talk for the Army to utilize smartphones and Apps to increase capabilities. So if not now, then soon.

@Capall: Yes. Americans living outside of the US.

@Vinnie Vinetez: Probably rounding for the sake of simplicity in the graph. Not a big deal, they just didn't type out the exact figure in the graph. I'm wondering how they get their numbers. For TV, they don't track how many people watch the show, but the ads. Seems like this would be a really poor way of judging

Now playing

And their little brother likes to play make-believe too

As a service member (American, but whatever), I did almost cry. I believe it's time to spread the word about this the same way the guy who proposed through the video on Youtube did a little while back. Link this on Facebook, and it will get to her. I don't know a single person in the UK, but I will be anyways, if only

@Ramrod-the-Destroyer: Government has nothing to do with this, this is a private school. A f*cking expensive one. Costs more than a lot of state college tuitions

@Ninety-9: The best system I had last year was a combination of typed notes and pictures uploaded to evernote. The combination allowed me to see things exactly as they were in class. The issue was convincing the instructors that it was ok to allow me to wave the cell phone around to take pictures. I even had one class

For anyone wondering how preppy this school is, they have a full golf course on the campus (yes, campus). Tuition is something like $14,000 a year. This school is from my hometown, in fact my neighbor went there. Crazy seeing Knoxville pop up for being too forward about technology, but hey, I can work with it.

What's up with all the zombie articles lately? The past couple days there have been a lot of reprints

@xxdesmus: Yup. Even got covered on here months ago. I believe at the time it only worked well on the 3gs so I didn't get it. But kinda odd it popped back up without them saying it changed anything major. Think the devs of multiflow are paying giz off?

The issue is if something is written in Comic Sans I have the tendency to scream "Shun the non-believer!" and burn the paper. Hard to retain information when I refuse to look at it.

Ahhh! Zombie article! Kill it, Kill it!!!

@Gimmeslack: No. Simple answer. Longer answer is it takes a lot of manpower to update each phone considering its fairly unique set of hardware and its god-aweful custom skin. For most companies, why do that when U CAN SELL MOAR!!!11!afdsa (that's what the CEO yells while he eats the child of the one programmer with

@duggernator: Actually this is exactly like the trackpad controls for Mac. Three finger swipe to go back/forward a page, four finger up to clear all programs off screen, etc. Honestly when it comes to gestures, they all resemble each other.

@McKenzie with a Y: Actually I believe that was one of the lesser-published features of iOS 4, but I'm too lazy to look into it right now and wouldn't know because I left my iPhone 3gat 3.1.3 because I wanted to use my phone

What's truly amazing to me is that .22 rounds have a tendency to BOUNCE AROUND once they get inside you. Basically they have enough power to get in, but can't exit and have been known to rip people up as it ricochets around. So lucky? I sure think so.

@Jimbo Collins: As long as I can get unlimited elsewhere, I won't be going back