
@Jimbo Collins: The reasoning behind that is simple; they know that now they have no choice but to support phones other than the iPhone in a big way. So they went out of their way to secure the best deals. Now when all of these start hitting shelves, they'll have the "big three," the Atrix, Infuse, and iPhone. It's a

I fail to see the good in this. There is absolutely no way I will sign onto this, and I'm in the military and used to signing my rights away to the government. Unless it becomes mandatory for internet access, I'll never join.

I just moved from LauncherPro to GO Launcher the other day. A couple little quirks bothered me, but they were all able to be changed in settings. Also moved from Handcent to GO sms. Don't know which I prefer out of the two of them, since they both replicate exactly how I had my iPhone set up. I prefer the more sleek

But, but, this takes a jailbroken iPhone! AT&T told me so! That's just another reason you're a horrible, evil person if you jailbreak/root!

I bet Gray Powell REAAALLLYYY wishes yall had done this for him.

@quillaja: If you spend 82k just to run the lights, you can afford to have a few other people set them up

Robert Gates for President! Who's got a catchy slogan? I'll man the phones

@TheClap: It was said long ago that when 4G came out, Verizon was going to kill its unlimited plans to match AT&T's planning system. So don't get too worked up

@tylerbrainerd: Not to seem heartless/trolling, but these are all things that are currently happening, and date rape and DUI's happen with alcohol. I know a lot of people who smoke, and the only times they ever drive after smoking are because they are going home to crash or because they forgot to stock up on food

@dethwolf_x: You will for the EULA's fine print.

Speedful comes Newspeak, stop Doublethink for mans

@RootRampage: I won't be mad at them, IF they don't kill it off. If it comes back, more streamlined, nicer, and with more functionality than before, then Google and I can be buddies again.

@tj: This has actually led to some really crazy/fucked up situations. People who are legally buying it have been raided by the feds, while they wave their prescriptions uselessly; most all nationwide chains that drug test will fire an employee who uses marijuana legally, even though the state says it is legal

I swear, I only go to that site for the games! Honey, come back!

This reminds me of the only iPhone fake I've actually played with. It was an iPhone nano, back when the rumor mill was spewing about the non-existant phone. But a good friend of mine in college got one from her dad when he came back to the states from China, and after using it, I can say that while usable, I would

@RootRampage: Since I was in the same bind, and Giz just did an article on it, I will point you to Libox, which is close to the same thing, but prettier

@geekymitch: Sure you aren't talking about BOB?

@tylerbrainerd: Not true, jailbreak and use dTunes. I've not actually used it, so I don't know if you can download movies/tv shows, but I know you can pirate music straight to it.