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I’m sorry but a coherent plot from Michael Bay? That’s like mistaking Burger King for Olive Garden! I must admit though the advertising is a bit clever....unfortunately it was for this movie :(

That’s one angry panda. o_O

But I also wonder if this time changing isn’t to do Flashpoint but to get Supergirl into this universe.

Well personally I wouldn’t consider my TV watching years wasted. I learned more about serious topics and history in animated shows than in elementary school. I just realized after a week ago when everyone was in uproar about the casting of the Ancient One and the reasoning for Marvel’s choice, that the Air Nomad

he absorbed energy from the fire pits of Apokolips and exposed himself to massive amounts of Kryptonite to try and get his lost powers back

I had to sign in and star this comment! :D

That moment when you’ve found a diamond in the rough batch of hateful web comments and cling to the glimmer of hope of finding another rarity such as this.

If it makes you feel any better....I laughed too. I think we’re laughing more at the ludicrous idea of that actually being a successful means of kidnapping. I’re technically riding with a human dartboard. You’d might as well have painted a red bulls-eye on them to see who didn’t miss the screaming human

Ummmm.....that still doesn’t account for the fact that a person could sustain internal damage from the brunt force of impact, does it?

After Agents of SHIELD’s recent season finale, they pretty much raised the bar of expectation; trying to find something else to replace Agents of SHIELD would be like when they replaced Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and Spectacular Spider-Man with Avengers Assemble and Ultimate Spider-Man (I WON’T GET OVER IT

Peeling away the layers of a (UPPER)case. A logo worthy of the namesake Detective Comics in my opinion :D

It’s also worth noting that the Avengers and the government already know the existence of enhanced people (as stated by Cap in Age of Ultron) but not to a large extent of their numbers or their activities or what and how they came to be. Heck, the satellite footage of Daisy and SquidWard could easily be dismissed as a

Abolishing fairy tales that tell people to propagate and fill the earth, or even that prophylactics and abortions are evil would be a good start.

Okay....that exists O_o

The New Avengers just got finished fighting the American Kaiju, a giant marine lizard who chanted “YUUUUU. ESSSSSS. AAYYYYYY.” while the New Avengers used Avenger Five, which was, yes, a giant robot to fight him

Also, I’m confused about when this takes place

I think it was better he didn’t have the hood in this movie and save it for the next movies he’ll appear in because after completing his plan to divide the Avengers in avenging his family, he had nothing else to live for. Once he finds out about the Secret Avengers, you’ll bet without a doubt he’ll break out of that

I think Civil War established good pointed arguments of both sides: Sure the superheros save the day but at ultimately at what cost of lives lost? Wouldn’t regulating their actions ensure public safety more than doing things by the heat of the moment in battle? Also like Cap said everyone has their own agendas and the

“Vengeance has consumed you. It’s consumed them. I won’t let it consume me.”

I think his father supported the Sokovian Accords and tried to be a diplomat like his father (although he seemed a little bit adversed to it) but even T’Challa admitted to Black Widow at the Vienna convention that everyone has their own political agendas here.