Like the fist of an angry god.
Like the fist of an angry god.
"Dear Mrs. Hall, I'm really sorry that photos of me in my camisole and pajama shorts give your boys funny feelings *down there* but I get funny feelings when I look at teenage boys who are biting into sensuous apples. Why are you trying to lead me off a pure path with these vulgar images?"
I love the part where she retitled it to "(the one where everyone's covered up)" which is just so suuuuper passive-aggressive, considering the whole point of her post is to whine about how all those Slutty Sluttersons should be running to their computers to hide the exposed skin/cleavage.
His Freddie Mercury slew me.
It's horribly creepy for me, considering I feel like she lumped in her husband. Who is looking at pubescent girls in various stages of undress??? Shudder.
Let me start by saying that I am currently planning a wedding and, with the exception of about two weeks during which my fiance was oblivious of the need to secure a venue so we could get married on the date we wanted, I have been incredibly calm (my mother, not so much).
How are people reading this as charm? The "porn for women" he's talking about is the feminist produced/directed shit that gets brought up in comments on this site every time someone mentions that the majority of porn is incredibly misogynist. No, no, you're just not looking in the right place! There's good stuff…
I can't wait for his and Robin Thicke's Guide to Feminism to come out in paperback. Call me when the majority of porn directors aren't dudes. Kthanksbai.
I'm in Virginia/DC area and see those all the time too! I had no idea there was such a thing as vaginal mesh or slings!
I'm pretty sure you're piggybacking on my point, but just in case: I agree with you.
The one-l lama, he's a priest.
As a habitual non-heel-wearer I feel 60% smug and 40% bad for feeling smug.
LaserJesus: First, on a minor point, go back and re-read Cal. Penal Code 261.5 if you want to talk about specific points of law. Yes, intercourse with someone under 18 in California is automatically statutory rape, but it's a wobbler; depending on the relative ages of the persons involved, it can be a felony or a…
Yeah - wow - can't believe the blatantly screaming obvious needed to be pointed out here, jesus, smh
I like precision as much as the next person, so feel free to be particular about labels with me.
But you'll excuse me, I hope, for thinking that statutory rape is . . . wait for it . . . rape. (It's the rape part that gave it away.)
And excuse me too if I disclaim any credit, blame, or responsibility for anything…
" I've seen a dead person whom I knew when I was alive,"
I totally want to see a post-body baby.
If I was guaranteed that this is who would come out of my pergina, I'd stop taking the pill IMMEDIATELY!
Given the British monarchy's history, almost any nursery theme they chose could have problematic connotations.