
YES. I am pregnant with baby #2 (which we think might be a girl) and when I told my best friend the (totally not out-there, but still off the beaten path) name we had pretty much settled on (a lovely tribute to both of my grandmothers, btw) SHE BLANK STARED ME. It totally rained on my parade and she didn't even have

I have to admit, I have only once questioned the sanity of a particular name choice among my circle (though I quietly role my eyes at many of them). One of my friends & his wife named their baby Duran after the wife's favourite band. I snorted my drink out my nose when they told me, so there was really no avoiding the

People are terrible with names. "But I knew a Hortense and she was a pill." Yes, that's completely logical, random family member! Also I considered "Remy" for my son and a Remy broke my friend's heart so that was off the table. It is kind of a sexy soap opera name.

Yeah, never announce the name before the kid is born. People will inevitably tell you about someone with the same name that they hated, or trash the name in some other way. (And I think Declan is a nice name - under any circumstances but especially if you have Irish heritage.)

I am also regularly in the grey, which is why I hardly comment anymore. Sometimes I have so many feels that I want to lay out my opinion, but I often find that it doesn't really matter. Seems to be the same dozen or so regular users that actually get "heard." For shame.

Boom! With you, lady. Tired of the grey and it has just put me right off Jezebel. It's mostly decent commenters who are confined to the grey, I think the trolls just got bored and left a long time ago.

I questioned two of the highly regarded Jezebel columnists about this and the increasing snark on the site.. Neither

Off topic, but this grey zone snark is really getting to me. I'm always in the grey, because I have to log in from a burner account. Even though I always use the same screen name and never troll, I'm never really going to be part of the discussion at Jezebel. I'm a bit sad about that.

I just stopped by the Barnes & Noble by my office, and Mama June will be doing a book signing! Apparently a book has been written, "How to Redneckognize the Honey Boo Boo In You". So it's safe to say America is mesmerized. I'm half tempted to go.

Do you know what makes me want to die? When people say things like "Icecreamcono and I's wedding." AND I'S?!?!?!?!?! NO. STOP IT. Fuck this nonsense.

if this bed's a rockin' ...your downstairs neighbours will want to skin you alive.

AMEN, PREACH, AND TESTIFY! I don't know if you or anyone you know has tried to read Bill Clinton's autobiography, but it is FULL OF SHIT LIKE THIS. "So-and-So ended up becoming a very good friend of Hillary and I."

Whenever a kid asks why they need to learn English since they speak it (hardy, har, har) we quickly go to commenting sections on newspaper sites and I show them exactly what happens when they don't pay attention in 8th grade English.

It's ok: I got this. "[...]our wedding."