Those clowns hired the wrong guy for the job. Everybody knows who the best designated hitter is.
Those clowns hired the wrong guy for the job. Everybody knows who the best designated hitter is.
He’s certainly made a lot of money for the NHL and its corporate partners during an era where that was true of every other single major sports league too.
Hey man, it’s all good. There’s a reason we have Maureen.
I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.
The Kalamitous Kleveland Kurse.
for pennies on the dollar of what they paid that 💩-for-brains, i’ll be glad to explain to them, at length, with citations, why they are the problem and the only way for the working class to have justice is to forcibly seize the means of production and put jeff bezos’s head on a spike over the doorway into the…
They’re humble AF and never self-proclaim superlative knowledge! They’re simply the best! No, seriously though they/you’re the worst (your comment drives that point home). Let’s expand the Celtics fan base to cover all of Boston sports fans. They are shitty because they don’t know how to win with class despite winning…
Protip: Whenever somebody touts that a fanbase is “knowledgeable” what they mean is that they’re aggravating people who will try their damnedest to prove that they know the game on a level you can only dream about, and that you’re in for a solid 3 hour pissing match.
Oh all those swings look the same to you, don’t they?
It’s Texas though, where the electorate usually goes for the more eviler or the two evils.
A quick statistical case for Ichiro’s hits coming more from a higher difficulty level than Pete Rose (posted most of this in response to another guy, but thought it could stand on it’s own as a comment)
I’m just waiting for someone to use the word “uppity”....
I dunno, man. You SURE Jordan won’t be facing murder charges? If what this “someon” says is true, the owner of the Charlotte Hornets is now ALSO the owner of the New Orleans Pelicans, a mere week after actual Pelicans owner Tom Benson keeled over dead. Pret-ty suspicious, if my years observing Jessica Fletcher at work…
Not surprised at this. A #16 seed has never beaten a #9 in NCAA tournament play.
Interesting spin from the former leader of the worldwide leader in snorts...
And the Dems big push for a national health care system ended up being fucking Romneycare, all in a futile attempt to get Republican votes
Mitch McConnell blocked a Supreme Court appointment. Fuck off with this “both sides do it” shit.