
“That was when they suspended the Constitution. They said it would be temporary. There wasn’t even any rioting in the streets. People stayed home at night, watching television, looking for some direction. There wasn’t even an enemy you could put your finger on.”-The Handmaid’s Tale

Please don’t watch. Deny him the ratings. Instead watch the concurrent google live, celebrity filled telethon raising money for civil liberties, reproductive rights and the environment.

No he doesn’t.

Here is my proposed Trumpnauguration Program:

Yeah I mean that is totally possible. We don’t know anything really so anythings possible. I guess I just get reminded of that Ask Alice (??) post a while back on Jezzy where someone asked what to do if your boyfriend is friends with a creep and you keep getting told you’re crazy for wanting to get rid of him.

Nope. Nobody should watch this ever, even to hate-watch. Trump needs to have the lowest ratings for any Presidential inauguration in the history of television.

“Supposedly, Trump is writing his own speech, too!”

What we’ve done instead of trying to surround him with what people consider A-listers

“He really wanted it to be about the people, not about him.”

This guy’s last name being Barrack really fucked with me whilst reading this.

I am not really team anyone but Hollywood is always Team Penis.

Mel Gibson got a standing ovation. If Polanski ever makes it back to Hollywood he’ll get one too. They don’t give a shit.

It’s kind of unfair though don’t you think? I mean... who the fuck knows WHAT Brad’s deal is. He is, in the least, confirmed to be better at handling his emotions at a time like this and playing the game at least to the point where he’s looking prettier than Jolie. But I mean... there’s also a lot of bias when it

Also comes two days after the Golden Globes where Brad was all but given a standing ovation in a show of support. People in the know appear to be Team Brad.

Ugh, Afflecks.

It’s like her boobs are a Rubik’s cube. Does that make sense? Like she knew they didn’t belong on her back, and she’s trying to get them on her front. She’s almost got it, guys. It’s hard. Don’t laugh.