... you didn’t tell them to take their hearing aids out?
... you didn’t tell them to take their hearing aids out?
Seventh grade gym class and this girl called me a “fat spic.”
I can’t believe I’m going to say this. But I think for some of these women, it’s like a sport. Getting the game face and the walk and all that down is like going out on the court and playing volleyball - albeit with higher heels. I don’t think these women think they can lay down in a cryogenic chamber and wait until…
Yay Rabies!
They played her on the Jumbotron. It was the most eerie, creepy thing ever.
I saw Bel Biv Devoe 2 years ago and TLC last week. I just don’t know if I’d see Bobby without New Edition.
Slightly off topic: I hate that my Facebook friends are suddenly interested in soccer. Bunch of phonies.
Who is still paying to see him? Is he with New Edition?
This! I had a family member suggest that “if you ONLY added Tumeric (5+ teaspoons) to your dad’s water, he’ll feel better.” Are you fucking blind? He’s dying, he’s uncomfortable, and he doesn’t need that shit in a glass of water when he has a hard enough time keeping the water down.
Yeah. Exactly what you said, as the daughter of an agent orange cancer victim. Fuck her.
As someone who has a wicked mean sibling, I can tell you that Kim is the worst. My own sibling says shit about my weight all the time, and it stings even though I know she’s a mean bitch. (She once told me that I had to lose 40 pounds to be included in her wedding — not even MOH. He dumped her. Wonder why.)
I read this as “Damn, good for her! Anxiety snacks (xanax).”
Who probably drive Hummers and don’t watch for pedestrians in their lots. Yeah. True story.
well you, get there, and you pick one up, and you’re like “NINE FUCKING DOLLARS FOR BERRIES! GET THE FUCK OUT!” That shocks the organic right out of you.
How about the fact that my store “no longer gives receipts” so I don’t have any proof I’ve been overcharged? Double assholes.
I think I just took offense to the “tricked into” and then being all hurt about this. I get that things went south and this clearly isn’t how ANYONE wanted it to turn out, but I wish the “tricked” wasn’t there - a little dignity would’ve gone a long way. :(
Okay. Then this is a legit question: how does she have any control over the frozen eggs? If they aren’t her eggs...
I’m no fertility genius, but something tells me she had to agree to have her eggs removed, so it kind of negates the whole “trickery” thing.
Raptor Left has more moves than Raptor Right.
As someone who was best best friends forever with my grandfather, I got all teary for gramps. That was so exciting and sweet.