Couch Commandos

RIP Space: Above and Beyond. Marines in space.

wait.. so we should keep on pirating till we get hbo go legit.

i like him in VM. when he said this.."I think I would love to give knowledge to people so they could be in control and not in mystery on certain parts of their life."
All i thought was.. dude! you're a fricking Scientologist

better start watching The Flash then.

Have to disagree about Fringe. There was enough mystery there to go past it's X-Files feel and it ultimately paid off.

The last episode of SHIELD was pretty good. "One Door Closes" If the series has actually stated with this.. like a spy espionage show with some decent sfx and story, it might have held on and grow its viewership.

"Hollywood has a nepotistic, network-driven culture that incubates, then normalizes deeply entrenched discriminatory attitudes against performers of color."

How do we have more shows with less ethic minority roles? I know! let's look to the past!

it's actually a great show and a great cast. I hope it does manage to find a home.