
Quit sharing your sexual fantasies.

Drumpf’s penis so small that he needed a breast-pump to father children.

Bible: ignoring anything I don’t agree with while using religion as an excuse for learnt bigotry and hate.

Need to bake in some wind pressure for the Colossi. I like the steady frame rates and the high definition, but I’m missing the crazy amount of motion blur.

Still one of my favorite pieces from Kenny Velez.

Perhaps all homeopaths have a greater understanding of M-theory than almost all physicists.

I would be amazed if anyone could get water pure enough for 24x.

I don’t know why there is all this hate on homeopathy. I’ve been slamming back mixtures of 12X uranium, 12X mercury, 12X lead, 12X radium, and 12X arsenic on a daily basis. I’m pretty much immortal now: I can’t get sick, I will never have cancer, and I don’t age. Unenchanted weapons can’t even hurt me. I feel myself

“The rich people in this room—you don’t wanna live in a barbed wire enclosure in your McMansion like they do in Latin America. So we gotta fix this problem.”

So pretty much deny healthcare to anyone who needs healthcare.

EA’s expectations are a game that cost nothing to develop, programmers working 24 hours a day, a 2-week development cycle; and everyone in the world buys a copy, two expansion packs, and a slough of in-game purchases.

A gun: Just kidding, no gun. If my kids can find all the flashlights, they can find a gun.

Freedom as in “let them eat cake.” I am sure that there is now (or soon) absolutely no requirement for corporations to disclose if, and who, they are selling your data.

The Slept like Shit Club.

Trump is the law!


Anyone want to buy some deionised re-ionised water?

There’s no cascading cards! Without the release of the cascade there is no enjoyment. I have DOSBOX running windows 3.1 just to experience Solitaire cascade proper.