
As an self-identifying Jack, I want to know what superiors want from me (I want direction, not oversight). Obviously, I want to be playing up to my strengths and not be the duct tape that takes on yet another responsibility without tangible benefit to myself.

Subsidized, but still out of reach for many. Education is also overvalued leading to many educated youth working in low wage jobs thereby making it difficult to pay back student loans.

I wish life was as easy to uplevel as an RPG.

TOTAL MOM FAIL. Menstruation is sort of a given for 'mom' to teach, it's like 'the' important thing. BABY POWDER!? Wednesday Thursday Friday!

Example 2. Redacted?

Gamify your exercise with rewards. That is until you figure out you can skip the exercise and go right to the rewards for instant gratification (and associated problems).

That $30 only for the compute module.

Save yourself time and just click flop it! until you see something you like.

It's good that their is a rotation; I've worked at many places where a woman gets defaulted into being the kitchen cleaner—men would go out of their way to A) leave mugs and dishes in the sink when the dishwasher was right there B) if the dishwasher was clean, notice, but not bother to put dishes away.

It plays completely different, while doing the QTEs you are playing two "simon says" on the analog controller in real time; the movements are somewhat linked to the actions—the annoying thing is that you can be so focused on the colors that you can completely miss what is happening in the scene.

Fahrenheit's pacing is an exponential curve.

It can't hurt anyone now. #forthechildren

Support is omitted from installing OSX on other devices.

V20 isn't out yet, you almost made me spit out my drink and stop everything else in my life.

Yes, but not because of what Apple offers. It is a capability by omission. The walled garden only looks good from the inside.

I don't know, buying a Mac to put Windows on it seems kinda foolish.

Infinitely nested IF statements!

I don't even know what I don't know.

Some distortion due to lense.