Does it expel cupcake smells.
Does it expel cupcake smells.
And Hitler too, right...not. Hate to break it you, but if you kill someone by proxy it still makes you a murderer.
If they show you a video and offer you a free gift: you will be selling time shares.
Then getting them to spit out the base pay is like trying to pull teeth.
I love how they look like haiku in ad form.
Agreed, designed to fail is gaudy. Give me a phone that is not held together with cured adhesives (increasing repair cost) and shatters if you look at it.
My comparison was to speed.
Michael Bay, need I say more.
No, they'll just import foreign nationals and charge them rent; one hundred years into the future the servers will be a class of society that are viewed as chattel, the children of servers with no domestic rights.
In the 'States and Canukistan it is a joke that places of employment are allowed to pay less than the prevailing minimum wage, the reason this whole tipping business came about is that you knew that these servers weren't being paid fairly (and the food was good). Now, instead of providing a courtesy for good service…
The point of life is bowel movements, I thought everyone knew.
While I do think it should have done a 32GB to start and 64GB for LTE, the microSD port at least allows for expandable storage room which 'some' tablets lack; microSD is relatively cheap, but unfortunately not as fast as SSD.
Carry over, lucky you! In my Province of Canuckistan we have a strict use-or-lose standard (unless otherwise contracted): which, depending on the company, is either for the end of the calendar year, business cycle, or relative to the employee's start date (uncommon).
Leaving vacation pay is like leaving a pile of cash on the table. At the very least you could shorten 10 extra week in the year. Anyways, you are young, talented, and a company man; just don't ruin it by having kids.
I looked at the linked article before finishing this one:
You are exactly the kind of employee they want. Now, how would you like to take a 10% cut in pay.