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This article literally ascribes motive to voters based on race. It is a contention, nothing more. Unless you think that all white voters are nationalists and can prove it. Can you?

No. There aren’t enough fundies and white nationalists and homophobes for this to have happened because of them, not entirely or even for the most part.

I’m not a big Star Wars fan, but for some reason plenty of journalists are attacking fans right now, and I suspect it’s about ordinary people rejecting their politics and journalists losing influence. Hell, critics are saying the alt right and Russia are behind poor user ratings. Fans are entitled, they’re bigots, etc.

Fair enough, perhaps it was a bad analogy in that sense, but Brexit also hinged on immigration. In our system, this was also a referendum on immigration. Sorry for the snark.

We are a democratic republic of something called the United States. The states in this “Union” choose the executive, not the popular vote, because we are called something like the USA, which I believe has the words United States in the acronym. The “people” in these “states” directed their “electors” to choose Trump.

Do you judge people based on their skin color? I dare you to answer. Go ahead.

Honest question: Are you mad at fans because they massively dislike the social justice goop that a heartless corporation drooled all over this mess?

I do. But it is a fact that he won, is it not?

That is precisely what it means. You know it. I know it. Why deny it? Are you seriously claiming that progressives don’t judge EVERYONE this way? You’ve done it in this thread, For Fuck’s Sake.

Interestingly, Google’s Head of Diversity gave a speech a few months ago about how diversity should be about diversity of ideas, not skin color. She said twelve blonde white guys could be diverse due to their life experiences.

Yes, quite literally, not all white people are Dick Cheney. Or CEOs. So, yes, again, not all white people.

You do realize that judging people on their ancestry is called tribalism, which is the cause of all racism and genocide, correct? I can provide you with plenty of examples if you’d like.

People who use the term put other people in order by race/gender/sexuality “privilege” to determine who can make fun of whom BASED ON RACE.

Yes, the American people chose not to adopt the same policies that lead to Britain trying to leave the EU: a welfare state coupled with open borders.

No, I’m talking about socialism. The EU has announced its intentions to create a super state. European countries already have to threaten to leave the union to control their own immigration policies. Europe has been transformed forever by a crisis they have no say in.

Here’s my favorite example of it going wrong.

Socialism doesn’t work. It depends on coercion over freedom, as we are now seeing throughout Europe, or it leads to, ya know, mass starvation as the elites take everything. The American people already rejected it, so it will have to be imposed upon them. Good luck.

Daily reminder that no matter what movie stars, gender studies professors and Buzzfeed say, it is evil to judge anyone by race. Not just morally and ethically wrong, but evil.

I was very bummed.