
@TiltingMills: FFXI was out before WoW, so I'm not sure what you mean by "has already tried and failed."

Still no Lightning? Still totally useless.

@ejdmoo: Well, they'd better leak some video footage soon, I wanna see this thing in action.

Holy shit, I'm ordering my Designer Leopard Necky™ right now!

@SophT: Just out of curiosity, when would having all applications in memory all the time be a benefit? If the pagefile only stores stuff you're not using, then why would you want it taking up memory anyway?

How do you find out your peak commit?

@Thee Sea: Same, I was going to save up to buy an HTC Hero, but now I'll probably pick this one up.

VOTE: CCleaner

That was a shit load of words just to say "It's one guy's fault, so shut up."

What's wrong with Frets on Fire?

@NeverOddOrEven: Upon viewing this, I think the video in the article is fake. In SmashMyPS3, they smashed it multiple times with a SLEDGE HAMMER, and it was still mostly held together. All she did was throw that on the floor and it flew apart.

VOTE: Task Coach

@Dehnus: Yeah, Jimmy Kimmel isn't funny. He's my second least favorite late night show host. By far, the absolute worst late night TV show host is Jimmy Fallon. I fucking hate that guy's guts.

@Powerboot: His abs look like intestines.

Too bad actual gameplay is nothing like that. Those kinds of huge scale fights happen maybe once every few months, they're not nearly as exciting as that video makes it seems, and instead of cool radio chatter voices and evil Russians, you have neckbeards screaming at everyone.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait... back up a sec here.

@ergonomicuser: How can you talk about creative ways of minimizing a HUD and not mention Dead Space? :(

Wow, so now people are asking for DLC as soon as possible. Are people really so used to it now that they ask to hand their money out?

For some reason, I've never been able to get HandBrake to work when just encoding videos. It just gets stuck and does nothing when I press go. I'd really love to use it, right now I'm just stuck using RipBot. It works alright, but it lacks a lot of freedom about encoding options.

This is cool, although a bit unnecessary. Don't most laptops come with a quick on/off switch for the touchpad now-a-days?