cosmonaut kitten

Would totally watch a “Lil Bruno” cartoon.

on quick glance i thought that was a picture of cardi b and a little kid. bruno can’t be taller than 5 feet

OMG this picture. Mars is giving me Sesame Street Kevin Hart.

I truly, truly love Bruno Mars, so I say this as a fan. The picture of him above looks like his reflection in a funhouse mirror.

We’ve got similar lists; I’ve also got Aziz Ansari on it. I don’t know why, but after seeing Master of None - even the 2nd season, which focused a lot on the improbably hot Italian Non Sexual Friend Who Clearly Has Sexual Tension, I just think it’d be devastating, plus, both in the way he acts on and off screen, I

Jeff Goldblum is a perv. He dry humped me when I went to shake his hand and introduce himself after he followed me around the gym. He pulled my hand in when I extended it, put his arms around me, and bumped, and made grunting sounds. I was 19/20. I tell it as a funny story but it’s kinda fucked. I’m not famous though

Bad news about Paul Walker - he got involved with the 16 year old working as his babysitter...

I read in a magazine, many years ago (Movieline?), one of Goldblum’s agents or somebody in a similar position of access said that Goldblum’s career would be much healthier if he didn’t choose his roles based on which potential castmates he wanted to sleep with.

I’m starting to think his obsession with going to college was an excuse to spend time around vulnerable young girls he could take advantage of.

If someone had a #metoo about The Rock, I think it would kill me.

The Sirs have got to stay in the clear: Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellan.

Ugh, he has an *acting school*??? That alone seems like a terrible sign. It’s not like he’s that great of an actor—a lot of his appeal was looks, now with added pseudo-intellectual chutzpah.

Wasn’t Franco already regarded as kind of an overblown jerk though? For some reason, the accusations don’t surprise me - along with the continuing revelations of oversexed, predatory males throughout Hollywood. But hey, if the repercussions of this movement make some floor manager in the middle of the country think

Can I ad Tom Hanks and Tom Hardy?

Similar list to mine but add all of the cast of star wars (minus benecio del toro because fuck him we already know he’s a POS) and Daniel Radcliffe

Yep, I have a friend who he was hinky with. Very fuckin hinky.

I personally know someone who had a foul encounter with him in private. He’s been well known for this behavior for some time.

There are actresses in his current film that he has abused. His acting school and all his dilettante film projects are an excuse to serve his sex addiction. He hunts minors and had a particular problem with a 15 year old in New Jersey during his last Broadway run.

I’m living for the women who are speaking out against this creep and holding back 0%. He’s absolute filth.

“and the academy award for best actor goes to james franco”